billw55, on 2016-April-22, 09:04, said:
It may sound crazy, but I would look at my hand first. Maybe even review the auction. On a really wild day I might check the vulnerability.
Sometimes looking at your own hand can mislead you, though. The following happened to us a few days ago. I was North.
I never asked partner, but I suspect he pulled the double because with his diamond holding and opener bidding them twice he couldn't believe that I had anything there, or maybe because he was ashamed of his overcall. 4
♠ went down 3 (I had AJ, but West had KT932 -- I don't know why he didn't double), but 3
♦ would have gone down at least 2, which would have been a top (there were 2 other pairs in 3
♦, but they weren't doubled, probably because South didn't overcall).