Playing in the somewhat inferior contract of 4♠ I got the ♣7 lead which I won in hand, the I played ♠J which held, and was surprised when I played next spade and LHO played ♠K while RHO played ♠8. This was just another of my late stories of guessing who made the bizarre move, but that's another story.
I found nothing better than drawing another round of trumps finding the friendly split, and then I run ♥J losing to ♥K and scoring 450 as everyone else in 4♥.
I cursed for my bad luck of clubs splitting badly but after reviewing I started to think: Shouldn't west cover ♥J with practically every heart holding except ♥Kxxx?. Obviously this assumes West has more skill than she actually had, but against a decent player, shouldn't I had played for stiff ♥K rather?
Curiously, playing for the drop would had been a no brainer if they didn't give me the free spade trick as I would be behind the field.