Would you bid at unfav? IMPs
Posted 2016-April-06, 00:37
xxx. xx. Axxxx . AJxx
in which case 5c imay make and 5s is most likely off one. You won't be happy going minus 420
Posted 2016-April-06, 05:07
It seems to me that the best argument for bidding 2NT is that if you are not going to bid it on this hand then what are you going to bid it on given that you could double with better defensive values.
Posted 2016-April-06, 05:55
Jinksy, on 2016-April-05, 11:07, said:
I don't think the ♥ suit is long enough for a 2♥ jump overcall which should show
a 6+ suit even it does contain 3 honors one of which could fall to the Ace. 1♥ is quite sufficient.
And if partner can support the ♥...well.....

- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2016-April-06, 06:08
rmnka447, on 2016-April-05, 12:28, said:
Wouldn't that suggest longer hearts and wanting a club lead? I mean, if you want to show your clubs at all with this shape you have to bid 2NT so failing to do so will give p some negative inference.
This has been an instructive thread, though. My initial thought was "2nt, wtp?" but really, it is too unlikely that the hand belongs to us. Especially is p doesn't have heart length. And if he has, 1♥ probably works just as well.
Posted 2016-April-06, 07:10
PhilG007, on 2016-April-06, 05:55, said:
a 6+ suit even it does contain 3 honors one of which could fall to the Ace. 1♥ is quite sufficient.
In his book on preempts, Alan Mould recalls Brian Senior opening a third seat weak 2♦ on xxxx xxx Jxx xxx. Admittedly, at this vulnerability I imagine he'd have wanted a side-suit doubleton.
You don't have to play an aggressive style if you don't like it, but a third seat preempt hasn't promised six of the suit since about 1970, let alone any number of honours. It is a captaining bid (which partner is not invited to respond to), so arguably it doesn't 'show' anything, any more than Stayman or RKCB need do.
Posted 2016-April-06, 11:24
Phil, on 2016-April-05, 13:31, said:
I don't think 2nt is as bad as all that. If I were LHO and a 90% favorite to play the contract I'd prefer to start describing my hand at the one-level, thanks very much.
Posted 2016-April-06, 15:28
quiddity, on 2016-April-06, 11:24, said:
You are describing your hand. To the wrong player.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-April-06, 16:19
Phil, on 2016-April-06, 15:28, said:
Phil: he was referring to Responder having a lot more space if we bid 1H than if we bid 2nt.
Posted 2016-April-06, 16:59
1h = 8
2h = 7
p = 4
2n = 3
2c = 3