For the win Your bid
Posted 2016-March-27, 00:56
You Stayman, and partner denies a major. But over your invite, he bids 3H - hello there! What's that then?
Thoughts please. And same over 1NT...3N-4M?
Posted 2016-March-27, 01:18
zenbiddist, on 2016-March-27, 00:56, said:
You Stayman, and partner denies a major. But over your invite, he bids 3H - hello there! What's that then?
I expect it shows heart values, implying that he's worried about the spade situation.
This is an asking bid. Asking for a new partner.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2016-March-27, 02:34
mgoetze, on 2016-March-27, 01:18, said:
Well, for completeness he has three good hearts, otherwise suggesting a Moysian would be unwise.
Posted 2016-March-27, 02:35
Posted 2016-March-27, 04:52
1NT-2C-2D-2NT-3H sounds like an offer to play a moysian, probably with weak spades. something like xx axx akxxx aqx
Posted 2016-March-27, 04:56
wank, on 2016-March-27, 04:52, said:
I think he was too lazy to type out 1NT-2♣-2♦-3NT-4M.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2016-March-27, 05:40
alok c, on 2016-March-27, 05:29, said:
Interesting but not very useful.
Posted 2016-March-27, 07:28
over 2c opener would have to bid a suit at 3 lvl to show the same hand but with long clubs. This is a much scarier idea since responder could well be using emergency stayman.
The number of hands that would fit this type of description would be pretty darn small and you need to be able to sign off in 3/4n if responder feels it is right so another set of agreements is needed on how to proceed if 3n or 4n are not deemed correct by responder.
Posted 2016-March-27, 07:49
Posted 2016-March-27, 10:25
1N...3N-4M means partner found not one but two M cards mixed in with ther m suit of the same color and wants to play in the safer 4M game. Time to call in the relief pitcher.
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2016-March-27, 11:52
4H over 3NT says I missorted my hand and my 3334 is really a 3604 or whatever.
Posted 2016-March-27, 18:01
FrancesHinden, on 2016-March-27, 11:52, said:
You mean something like xx KQx AKxx AJxx? Maybe that's what it shows, but I just can't imagine anyone actually bidding it
Posted 2016-March-28, 08:18
So, in the absence of discussion, the bid is clearly an announcement that your partner has such disdain for partnership and you that your partner no longer wishes to play with you.
There are many ways this bid could be played. It could be played, for example, as a 3 card major showing bid with a maximum and weak doubleton in the other major. But, that is not clear without discussion and, as such, such a bid should never be trotted out for the first time in the heat of battle.
Posted 2016-March-28, 09:04
Caitlynne, on 2016-March-28, 08:18, said:
So, in the absence of discussion, the bid is clearly an announcement that your partner has such disdain for partnership and you that your partner no longer wishes to play with you.
There are many ways this bid could be played. It could be played, for example, as a 3 card major showing bid with a maximum and weak doubleton in the other major. But, that is not clear without discussion and, as such, such a bid should never be trotted out for the first time in the heat of battle.
OMG partner made a call that we might not understand! Circle the wagons.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-March-28, 09:31
Posted 2016-March-28, 10:09
Caitlynne, on 2016-March-28, 08:18, said:
Or maybe it shows so much respect for partner that you expect him to figure it out? (the 3M case at least, in the 4M case I agree with you.)
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2016-March-28, 10:10
No it's not. Making bids that you haven't discussed is a compliment to partner in that you hope he or she will understand them.
There are auctions where it is incredibly dangerous to invent some system at the table, because the auction can go totally off the rails.
These are not auctions like that. The 3M call clearly doesn't stop partner bidding 3NT if he wants. The 4M call can't be anything except natural.
I recently came up with a bid in a sequence that we had never discussed. The auction started 2NT P 3S (minors) dbl. I bid 4H because I had KQJ10x of hearts and Qx of spades. Partner happily passed with his 2245, and we took 11 tricks after they cashed the AK of spades. This was another auction where it was obvious what 4H meant.