NOBODY seems to agree sigh
Posted 2016-March-21, 11:48
(and 1N-2C, 2S-3H)
has/have a standard meaning for sure. According to Goren, these bids confirm a fit for opener's major and indicate strong slam interest and ask opener to begin cue bidding.
does not hava a standard meaning of which I am aware unless you don't play transfers; in the early days before transfers, the standard meaning was a hand with 5 spades and invitational values.
Today, some players who use 4 way transfers (such that you must bid 2C to invite in NT), use this to show 4 spades while 2NT is invitational without 4 spades.
Posted 2016-March-21, 12:28
First sequence is most commonly played as invitational with ♠. Depending on the rest of your structure it can be:
- any shape or only unbalanced (balanced hand transfers and rebids 2NT)
- 5+♠ but can be 4-card suit if direct raise to 2NT is not natural
The second sequence varies widely by rest of structure. I think most common these days (at least in US) is that Stayman followed by 3 of other major shows slam try in opener's major with an unspecified shortness. Opener can relay to find it if interested. This is frequently combined with 4♣ as key-card ask and 4♦ as balanced slam try agreeing opener's major.
Posted 2016-March-21, 16:57
Caitlynne, on 2016-March-21, 11:48, said:
does not hava a standard meaning of which I am aware unless you don't play transfers; in the early days before transfers, the standard meaning was a hand with 5 spades and invitational values.
You mean in the early days, before second-round transfers, some people thought they had another way to show 5 spades and invitational values.

-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2016-March-21, 18:10
The 3 OM rebid has become an all purpose slam try in M. I like to hide splinter raises in this bid.
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2016-March-21, 19:25
2. Slam try. Promising shortness somewhere is the norm here.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-March-21, 21:58
- 1N-2♣-2♥-3♠: Cue/splinter with ♥ fit (or perhaps just an invite with 5♠).
- 1N-2♣-2♠-3♥: Similar but even less clear. Slam try in ♠ or invite with 5♥.
- 1N-2♣-2♥-2♠; Game try with 4♠ (or a sign-off in ♠ - with say ♠ Q J x x ♥ x ♦ x x x x x x ♣ x x)
Posted 2016-March-22, 06:45
is invitational if you play 2-way stayman, but if you play transfers it has to be a slamish spade raise.
Posted 2016-March-23, 12:52
helene_t, on 2016-March-22, 06:45, said:
is invitational if you play 2-way stayman, but if you play transfers it has to be a slamish spade raise.
Agree with the caveat that the strong spade raise is an artificial bid - says nothing about hearts, only that the fit is spades and the hand is interested in investigating slam. 1N-2C-2H-3S gives a similar slam try meaning, agreeing hearts.
Posted 2016-March-24, 03:13
gszes, on 2016-March-19, 09:42, said:
they are indeed different but what the hey does everyone think they mean???
So, invitational with 4 spades (if 2NT not available for that) and slam try with 4 spades. Nearly universal on the forum and in real life. Am surprised you found so much disagreement.
Posted 2016-March-27, 08:30
Posted 2016-March-27, 21:48
gszes, on 2016-March-27, 08:30, said:
The question you should ask yourself is how often is this coming up, and how much are you gaining when it does? The range of hands that is worth an invite only, after finding a fit, over a narrow range 1nt opener, is tiny compared to the range of the hands that should just bash game and try to make it. So you really shouldn't be inviting that often to begin with. Also, how much are you really gaining in being a bit more accurate on your invites than the people who just raise 2M to 3M and don't have a way to show they had both majors? You let opener evaluate his honor placement a bit more accurately, but how often does that gain, and how much do you lose by giving the opps more info on which to base their opening lead?
The agree trumps, slam inv+ hand is also pretty rare, but it's useful when it comes up and there aren't a whole lot of available bids to work with.
For 1nt-2c-2h-2s, spades unbalanced invitational with spades and either minor is going to come up more often than inv with 9+ major cards specifically.
Posted 2016-March-29, 09:21
Posted 2016-April-05, 05:13
gszes, on 2016-March-19, 09:42, said:
No interference 15-17 Nt scoring should not be a factor.
1n 2c 2h 2s and 1n 2c 2s 3h
they are indeed different but what the hey does everyone think they mean???
I would guess, standard for stayman is, that it promises a 4 card major.
In this case, you first / second seq. are strong major suit raises for the
major the NT opnener has bid.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)