I concede at the outset that my 1H overcall was not a great idea. I upped my club K from the club bid on my right, I have a stiff, but still... Anyway, it is what I did.
Now I have to decide what to do when partner's 2S comes back to me.
I can't recall if I have ever played with this partner before, but she is a thoroughly capable advanced layer. We have had no discussion about much of anything.
I would like to look at it this way: If I were to discuss this hand witha regular partner, what should be our agreement?
Does 2S promise heart support? Or maybe snapdragon applies and it in fact denies support? Snap, as I understand it, has (1C)-1D-(1S)-X is hearts with diamond tolerance while (1C)-1D-(1S)-2H is hearts only. Same here?
Is 2S forcing?
What do I do (other than regret ever bidding 1H in the first place)?
Now since I am asking about what agreements should be rather than this particular pick-up hand, I will show the hands but just for amusement.
The defense, reasonably enough, began with the king of diamonds, a small diamond to the Ace and then, reasonably or not, a third diamond. No beating it now. The defense coould have engineered two heart ruffs to go with the two top spades and the two diamonds, but this was not obvious.
We had only a brief discussion afterward. Partner said she thought it right to show spades (she does have seven!) and I said I thought maybe bridge logic should assure me she had hearts to go with her spades. A figured she probably had some hearts, but I decided to see if passing worked. At any rate, we just went on.
Not that I want to be in 3H and certainly not in 4H. As the title says, we were lucky. And still uncertain of what would be best for agreement I a regular partnership.