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Acol IMPS RED LHO deals AKxx A AKx AKxxx (2D[Majors weak] Pass (4H) ??
Posted 2015-November-22, 20:25
double. what else would one even consider? there's no reason to think we can even make game
Posted 2015-November-23, 01:51
Nigel, this is a defensive bidding problem so it doesn't matter if we play Acol or some other system.
Anyway, double is obvious.
Anyway, double is obvious.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2015-November-23, 05:54
Maybe this will be the second unanimous poll that BBF has ever had!
Posted 2015-November-23, 10:20
I never knew Ekren was part of acol these days. Not round here, anyway.
Posted 2015-November-25, 12:37
ahydra, on 2015-November-23, 05:54, said:
Maybe this will be the second unanimous poll that BBF has ever had!

♠ Q x ♥ x x x ♦ Q J x x x x ♣ Q x and we can make a vulnerable grand in ♦ or Notrumps.
I doubled, on my 25-count, and partner took the unfortunate view to pass for +800. Team-mates suggested that I should have considered 4N, 5♥ or 6♣, instead of double. I scorn such suggestions, which is why I post the hand as a bidding problem.
Posted 2015-November-25, 16:09
wank, on 2015-November-22, 20:25, said:
double. what else would one even consider? there's no reason to think we can even make game
There is every reason to suspect game, 2♦ is weak (majors) and 4♥ could be just as weak
But double still best bidding anything else is too committal.
Sarcasm is a state of mind
Posted 2015-November-28, 02:57
nige1, on 2015-November-25, 12:37, said:
Team-mates suggested that I should have considered 4N, 5♥ or 6♣, instead of double. I scorned such suggestions, which is why I post the hand as a bidding problem. [/size]
Can we say results merchants?
I agree with your P's pass fwiw. Maybe I should consider taking up these 'preempts' you speak of.
The "4♥ is a transfer to 4♠" award goes to Jinksy - PhilKing
Posted 2015-December-26, 18:35
nige1, on 2015-November-25, 12:37, said:
Partner held
♠ Q x ♥ x x x ♦ Q J x x x x ♣ Q x and we can make a vulnerable grand in ♦ or Notrumps.
I doubled, on my 25-count, and partner took the unfortunate view to pass for +800. Team-mates suggested that I should have considered 4N, 5♥ or 6♣, instead of double. I scorn such suggestions, which is why I post the hand as a bidding problem.

♠ Q x ♥ x x x ♦ Q J x x x x ♣ Q x and we can make a vulnerable grand in ♦ or Notrumps.
I doubled, on my 25-count, and partner took the unfortunate view to pass for +800. Team-mates suggested that I should have considered 4N, 5♥ or 6♣, instead of double. I scorn such suggestions, which is why I post the hand as a bidding problem.
"when pd makes a t-o x, i bid" edgar kaplan. i don't see how 5d can be bad, and this time it should get to 6d unless you've got a follow-up gadget, when 7.
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IMPs, Acol. You vul. LHO deals.
2♦ is weak with both majors.
Your call?