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Lucy in the Sky
Posted 2015-December-15, 19:04
"Me too.", of course.(*)
Oh, on the hand? Playing Acol? No idea, because I don't. Playing my style of K/S, 2♦ shows about this hand (okay, so partner isn't going to expect 5 controls or the 7th diamond, but) and if it's passed, I don't think we're missing game (would partner bid on with both black bullets and out?) I'm concerned that anything else overstates my strength for anything but "diamonds or lotsa-tricks in NT"; and that I could be cold for 3NT and be in 5♦, or cold for 5♦ and losing the first 5 spades in NT, or "no game makes".
But I'm a wuss, I know that.
(*) Brought to you by the Eternal September Joke Archive, © 1-8142 September, 1993.
Oh, on the hand? Playing Acol? No idea, because I don't. Playing my style of K/S, 2♦ shows about this hand (okay, so partner isn't going to expect 5 controls or the 7th diamond, but) and if it's passed, I don't think we're missing game (would partner bid on with both black bullets and out?) I'm concerned that anything else overstates my strength for anything but "diamonds or lotsa-tricks in NT"; and that I could be cold for 3NT and be in 5♦, or cold for 5♦ and losing the first 5 spades in NT, or "no game makes".
But I'm a wuss, I know that.
(*) Brought to you by the Eternal September Joke Archive, © 1-8142 September, 1993.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)
Posted 2015-December-15, 19:34
I'm a 3D bidder, but fully aware that this is very much a minimum, much like my AOL connection back in the 90s

Wayne Somerville
Posted 2015-December-18, 12:58
MP 2d no need to stretch for vul game and prospect of -200+ at MP could be a disaster
IMP 3d now stretching for thin vul game and what better way to right side 3n and have p concentrate on spade/club stops
IMP 3d now stretching for thin vul game and what better way to right side 3n and have p concentrate on spade/club stops
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Playing Aol, what do you rebid?