ahydra, on 2015-December-13, 13:44, said:
We play 5cM weak NT, though I think this applies to any non-2/1 system.
Given the following hands:
What do you call with West? 3D is obviously a bit wimpish and 4C/4D are overbids, taking you past 3NT which would be the ideal contract if East had
♣KQ9, for example.
If 2NT (which is 15-19, forcing to 3NT), the natural call for East is a straight 3NT, and then a club lead through dummy's King is clearly a bit of a disaster. Partner is interested in changing our system over 2NT to find out about stoppers, but I get the feeling this would just tell opponents what to lead and is not worth the memory strain.
Would be grateful for any opinions on how to handle these kinds of hands. Is it worth poking around to make sure we've got all suits covered for 3NT, or is it best to just bid it and hope you have enough stoppers / tricks? Do any of the more modern expert methods (opener transfer rebids etc) help here?
The West hand is an awkward one to show in most systems (just agreeing to play a 2/1 as game forcing doesn't solve the problem unless you have some pretty sophisticated agreements thereafter.) A non-forcing 3
♦ is more than "a bit wimpish" and partner will never expect this shape for 2NT, not to mention the wrong-siding issue.
Note that if Opener's rounded suits are the other way round, or if the minors are swapped such that the initial response is 2
♣, Opener has an easy 3-level splinter available, allowing Responder to select 3NT in a hand with values stuffed in the splinter suit. So the dilemma you face is only an issue when the response is 2
♦, Opener has 4-card support and shortage in clubs.
On the actual West hand, whilst 3NT could be the last making contract, the slam potential is too great to ignore. Picture the pointed suits aces opposite. Playing traditional methods, I would bid 4
♣, prepared to apologise if 3NT is the last making spot.
ahydra, on 2015-December-14, 07:11, said:
We don't play 1M-2x; 2M as forcing (responder can pass with a bare minimum 2/1, but will normally bid on). 1M-2x; 2y (y != M) is forcing though.
I have however been strongly considering raising the min strength for 2/1 to 11 HCP (or a good 10) such that we can then play 2/1 as forcing to 2NT. (Partner has finally stopped making very light openings
) This would enable the methods described above, which look rather interesting. Can you please clarify:
- 1M-2m; 3m-3x (stop or advance cue); does opener's 4m = "slam interest" or "we don't have stoppers for 3NT"?
- 1M-2m; 3m-3NT promises stops in both unbid suits I guess? What if m = diamonds and responder has a club stop but no oM stop?
Playing a 2/1 as forcing to 2NT creates all sorts of other problems; I don't recommend it, (especially) if playing weak NT. It's better to stick with 2/1 as forcing to 2M (so FG opposite 15+ balanced) or if you are going to force your 15-16 balanced hands to keep the bidding open after a 1NT responses, then you might as well play the 2-over-1M as forcing to game and get some benefit back there.