Stayman - answer with both majors
Posted 2015-November-15, 11:11
Could someone explain the merit of not just responding 2H, and how it outweighs not being able to use stayman on weak hands fishing for a 4-4 fit to improve the part score?
Posted 2015-November-15, 11:46
Posted 2015-November-15, 12:56

Posted 2015-November-15, 13:04
Posted 2015-November-15, 13:04
Posted 2015-November-15, 13:17

-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-November-15, 13:39
Same with people who try to sign-off in a major with weak 4-4/5-4 in majors.
But I think 2N showing both majors makes for a cleaner auction and you may be able to relay after a 2H/2S response to see if a 5-card major.
Posted 2015-November-15, 14:49
it can be unclear if opener is showing four spades or if he is showing a diamond fit and a concentration of values in spades. But if you play that the 2♥ bid denied four spades you don't have that problem.
Posted 2015-November-15, 15:18
lorserker, on 2015-November-15, 14:13, said:
Maybe if you look closely, you'll see it? Check the left-hand side of the screen....
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-November-15, 16:25
lorserker, on 2015-November-15, 16:10, said:

No, it's funny, ProBoards actually seems to be better on mobile than on the desktop but Invision is just worse in every way.
Anyway, some Germans for whatever reason decided it would be a good reason to adopt French methods so the 2NT = both majors answer is not unknown to me, but I know for a fact that we have no world-class pairs here in Germany.

-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-November-15, 16:49

Posted 2015-November-16, 13:43
Posted 2015-November-16, 17:59
Another upside is, if using four way transfers (2S transfers to clubs, 2NT transfers to diamonds, invitational hands without a major has to go via 2C), that 1NT-2C; 2H-2S can be invitational with 5 spades, while 2NT in this auction says nothing about spades. This allows for second round transfers by responder after a jacoby transfer, or similar.
If using a 2NT response as 4-4 majors I would recommend bidding 2NT with 4-4 minimum and 3C with 4-4 maximum. Over these responder transfers to the desired major at the 3-level.
Posted 2015-November-17, 14:47
Posted 2015-November-17, 16:12
daffydoc, on 2015-November-17, 14:47, said:
I wonder whether this question might have been answered already.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-November-17, 17:13
phil_20686, on 2015-November-15, 11:46, said:
I hope there are better arguments! Slam tries with a fit after 1N-2C-2H aren't really a problem, between 3S, 4C and 4D you have plenty of bids. And right-siding 4-4 fits when one hand has 9 hcp and the other 15-17 isn't exactly high priority either.
Posted 2015-November-18, 00:14
helene_t, on 2015-November-15, 14:49, said:
it can be unclear if opener is showing four spades or if he is showing a diamond fit and a concentration of values in spades. But if you play that the 2♥ bid denied four spades you don't have that problem.
Kind of off topic but even if opener can still have 4 spades in this auction it is much better to play 4 level= coming in spades and 3S=I like my hand for diamonds. The point being with a known 4-4 spade fit you can afford to go past 3N but a lot of time with a diamond fit you can't.
Posted 2015-November-18, 11:11
No garbage stayman and auction 1NT 2C 2K 2H is underloaded
To much information to opponents if the final contract is 3 or 4H
In my opinion, the main minus of stayman 3 responses is that slam auctions are more complicated.
Playing stayman 4 responses, if the auction begins :
1NT 2C
2H 3D
The responder may look for a stopper in C (plausible contracts are 3NT, 4M -fit 4-3, 5D); he may also show a strong hand with or without fit (plausible contracts 4H, 5D, slam in D/H).
It seems me very complicated if he must keep in mind that the opener may have 4S.