GIB *always* splits honors in trump suit allows humans to game it
Posted 2015-October-11, 14:10
If I lead a low to AJTxx, and lefty does not fly queen, then i know it does not have KQx.
(from experience)
Therefore it is always right for me to play the ace with the current incarnation of GIB
Posted 2015-October-11, 21:16
What's your point?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-October-12, 02:22
goffster, on 2015-October-11, 14:10, said:
If I lead a low to AJTxx, and lefty does not fly queen, then i know it does not have KQx.
(from experience)
Therefore it is always right for me to play the ace with the current incarnation of GIB
GIB also finds plays of honor in 2nd seat from Hx. I've had a situation when RHO gib did that, and I assumed RHO started with QJxx so chose a repeat finesse in favour of another (possibly better) line. Guess what, LHO held Jxxx.
So I don't think that one quirk alone gives declarer a definitive edge on all deals.
Posted 2015-October-12, 16:09
mgoetze, on 2015-October-11, 21:16, said:
What's your point?
Does it do this completely? i.e. When I lead to AQT in dummy AFAIK GIB doesn't randomly play honours with King Jack as it would if it thought you were always going to double finesse.
In any case I think it's pretty obvious what OP's point is.
Posted 2015-October-12, 18:20
There could be some cases where it recognizes certain combinations
where splitting honors is inane.
Posted 2015-October-13, 10:39
goffster, on 2015-October-11, 14:10, said:
If I lead a low to AJTxx, and lefty does not fly queen, then i know it does not have KQx.
(from experience)
Therefore it is always right for me to play the ace with the current incarnation of GIB
A corollary to this is that, in 4th hand, GIB never falsecards with equal honors. If you are playing to the AJT and RHO wins the K, you can be 100% certain that the second finesse will succeed. This applies equally to QJ and JT combinations. Interesting that the programmers allowed this weakness while GIB makes falsecards extensively - sometimes to its own detriment - in other situations
Posted 2015-October-13, 11:49
I've occasionally seen it not split. Last night I was in 4♥ with JT85 in dummy opposite A96 in hand. East had KQ7432. I ran dummy's 8 and it held, East playing the 7. Of course, when West showed out, this was a pyrrhic victory.
Posted 2015-October-13, 21:10
mgoetze, on 2015-October-11, 21:16, said:
I would call it a fundamental misdesign

Posted 2015-October-20, 14:19
Note E did not split the C honors.
Posted 2015-October-20, 14:48
iandayre, on 2015-October-20, 14:19, said:
Note E did not split the C honors.
Maybe East was worried that West might hold Jackleton, and swapping the J and T it might have split. Be interesting to know if it covers J lead from North
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