How do they find each other? Cheaters
Posted 2015-September-20, 16:06
B: what a smashing idea! Let's work out the details
If we assume ( and we have to assume!) that 99.9% of bridge players are honest and want to play and to play in a clean game, how do the cheaters find themeselves with a partner who,is willing to go along with it?
Posted 2015-September-20, 16:11
B: Really!? You mean number 1 and 2 in the world ranking cheat and nothing has been done!?
A: Yep
B: Maybe we should try it...
Actually, some people I know were asking the same exact question. How can a pair get together and discuss this?
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2015-September-20, 16:11
If my p tells me that he deliberately didn't return my suit because it would be unethical to do so, then I will go shopping. Until I find a p who understands my signal.
And once I have found a partner who is willing to return my suit when I lead fast, then it evolves from there. Next step is to indicate that I think the auction has ended (for example by folding up my cards) when I want p to stop bidding. Etc. At some point it will be so obvious to both of us that we dare talk to each other about it. And then we start making more subtle agreements.
Posted 2015-September-20, 16:28
Vampyr, on 2015-September-20, 16:06, said:
B: what a smashing idea! Let's work out the details
If we assume ( and we have to assume!) that 99.9% of bridge players are honest and want to play and to play in a clean game, how do the cheaters find themeselves with a partner who,is willing to go along with it?
The first step is to find someone with a compatible signalling method. I am sure that common bodily functions, belching, coughing, farting and sneezing are best, but to evade the eagle eye of Woolsey, we need to encrypt these, so we are not coughing every time we want a spade lead, or have a spade shortage. Fortunately, there is an easy way to do this with the board numbers. To belch when you want a club lead if the board is a multiple of 4 might be detected, so we need something more sophisticated. I would suggest a clever method, and the keen student might like to decrypt the following signals on board 1-16:
1 sneezing = heart
2 farting = diamond
3 coughing = heart
4 belching = club
5 sneezing = club
6 belching = diamond
7 coughing = heart
8 belching = spade
9 farting = diamond
10 sneezing = spade
11 coughing = diamond
12 belching = spade
13 farting = heart
14 coughing = heart
15 sneezing = diamond
16 farting = heart
It is important to have at least three or four tins of beans before the game for the quick fart, and also to drink a particularly gaseous drink (fizzy lemonade is fine for non-alcoholics) to get a sonerous and audible belch. A small amount of snuff is legal, and ideal for that sudden sneeze. Finally smokers can get through 10 strong cigarettes before the game, while non-smokers should eat a packet of crumbly cookies, without water, to get a nice spluttery cough.
Posted 2015-September-20, 23:42
Posted 2015-September-22, 15:11
Posted 2015-September-22, 19:08
Fluffy, on 2015-September-20, 23:42, said:
Yes, we have seen this in cycling and athletics. The difference, though, is that in those sports you don't need someone to agree to go along with it.
Posted 2015-September-23, 00:58
Vampyr, on 2015-September-20, 16:06, said:
B: what a smashing idea! Let's work out the details
If we assume ( and we have to assume!) that 99.9% of bridge players are honest and want to play and to play in a clean game, how do the cheaters find themeselves with a partner who,is willing to go along with it?
A common example is when you're in receipt of UI from partner and you use it to your advantage.
- A lot of the time, your infraction will pass without comment.
- Occasionally, however, opponents will notice and have a vague understanding of the law.
- If they're still in contention, they might call the director.
- If you're unlucky, the director might rule against you (not often because it's easier for an experienced partnership than for a director to judge what actions are suggested by UI)
- In practice, however, even then, the director is likely to award you a better score than a law-abiding player would have received.
Posted 2015-September-23, 08:14
After especially unlucky run of the cards, room might need to be evacuated.

Posted 2015-September-23, 09:17
nige1, on 2015-September-23, 00:58, said:
Yeah, how can anyone know what's right and wrong with confusing laws like this one (73B2):
Posted 2015-September-23, 09:24
barmar, on 2015-September-23, 09:17, said:

Posted 2015-September-23, 09:32
nige1, on 2015-September-23, 09:24, said:

That's way different from deliberate cheating.
I've advocated that sometimes as well, because trying to figure out what the LAs are, and which are "demonstrably suggested" by the UI, is often impractical. We frequently can't agree on it in forum discussions, so how is someone supposed to know what to do at the table? The practical solution is to try ignore the UI, and gracefully accept the adjustment if the TD rules that it was inappropriate.
Posted 2015-September-23, 09:55