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Reverse or Not
Posted 2015-September-03, 07:07
What are thoughts on this bidding sequence?
1D - 1S - 2C - P
Is 2Hs played as a reverse? I realize the 2C should promise a second bid but does 2Hs show extra values
Craig N
1D - 1S - 2C - P
Is 2Hs played as a reverse? I realize the 2C should promise a second bid but does 2Hs show extra values
Craig N
When you elect clowns, expect a circus
Posted 2015-September-03, 07:13
I am not sure if 2♣ promises a rebid in "standard". In Lawrence's book it doesn't afair.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2015-September-03, 07:31
So the questions is, what does opener do with a minimum 3442 or 4441 that has no spade stopper.
Life is long and beautiful, if bad things happen, good things will follow.
Posted 2015-September-03, 07:52
Well, I think responder should be doubling with almost all hands with 4 hearts, so 2♥ should show reverse values. Good advertisement for not including the minimum 3442 in your 1♦ opening of course.

"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"
-- Bertrand Russell
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-September-03, 09:20
billw55, on 2015-September-03, 07:31, said:
So the questions is, what does opener do with a minimum 3442 or 4441 that has no spade stopper.
You have to rebid 2D. Even worse is if you open 1D on 4432 hands!
Gordon Rainsford
London UK
London UK
Posted 2015-September-03, 13:29
I agree. The 2♣ bidder has denied 4-cards in hearts by the lack of a double so bidding them is a reverse.
Very occasional egg on face but how else can you bid a strong hand without club support? I might well bid it on a 3-card heart stopper hoping to get a notrump bid from partner.
Very occasional egg on face but how else can you bid a strong hand without club support? I might well bid it on a 3-card heart stopper hoping to get a notrump bid from partner.
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Posted 2015-September-04, 01:35
... that would still not be conclusive proof, before someone wants to explain that to me as well as if I was a 5 year-old. - gwnn
Posted 2015-September-04, 07:57
ggwhiz, on 2015-September-03, 13:29, said:
I agree. The 2♣ bidder has denied 4-cards in hearts by the lack of a double so bidding them is a reverse.
I disagree with the statement - with a GF x4y5 hand I would expect a 2♣ response - but I nonetheless agree that 2♥ shows extras. Rebidding 2♦ as a convenience is not so bad if that is forcing; if not then you are basically stuck with 2NT.
(-: Zel :-)
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