Granted the 2H may not have been best, but considering the auction, is X penalty or competitive or takeout? What would you call?
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Double in competitive auction
Posted 2015-September-21, 09:43
Playing with a very occasional partner, we had a dispute over the 'expert-standard' understanding of the following auction:
Granted the 2H may not have been best, but considering the auction, is X penalty or competitive or takeout? What would you call?
Granted the 2H may not have been best, but considering the auction, is X penalty or competitive or takeout? What would you call?
If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it then how bad a decision could it really be?
Posted 2015-September-21, 13:54
For me it's clear cut penalties with a lot of spades, I have a lot more than I might have done. If partner has a hand that wants to make a ToX opposite what could easily be a much worse hand than you have, then he should have taken action over 1♠. Easy pass.
Posted 2015-September-21, 14:54
I prefer takeout but standard is penalty. Last time this sequence came up on this forum, most voted for penalty.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2015-September-21, 22:18
What do you mean, Mark? I didn't see anyone criticizing the 2♥ bid.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2015-September-21, 23:47
helene_t, on 2015-September-21, 22:18, said:
What do you mean, Mark? I didn't see anyone criticizing the 2♥ bid.
The OP did.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones -- Albert Einstein
Posted 2015-September-22, 09:27
Vampyr, on 2015-September-21, 23:47, said:
The OP did.
This may be Resulting, but an intermediate 3H bid would have made life alot easier on this hand...
If you start with 2H (as I did) how would you get to 4H?
Our sorry auction:
2H: as I said, 3H would have worked better, but 2H seems reasonable
X: partner meant this as penalty, which looks terrible, but I appreciate his problem. Perhaps X is the best bad option.
2NT: I wasn't sure about X... I like to play it as competitive, but with this partner I didn't know. Not wanting to risk 670, I bid 2NT as a pick a place to play bid, intending to bid 3H over 3m.
3NT: partner was pissed I didn't leave his double in (I have no idea why) so he put me in 3NT in a huff. Given he thought the penalty was obvious, I'm not sure if he could have recovered at this point.
Anyway, thanks again for the clarification all - I'm glad there's something of a consensus out there...
If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it then how bad a decision could it really be?
Posted 2015-September-24, 09:14
I can not imagine playing dble as penalty with the hand that hit 2S. I also do not feel a penalty dble is the best treatment in this position.Responder holds a reasonable hand, what other bid than dble suggests a good hand? Maybe raising H was another option, not clear to me you want to raise to game however. So what is the guy supposed to do? If his RHO had passed loks to be a 2!S bid to me, even though you are short a trump.
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