Here's the board:
3♦ from S shows 17 - 20 total points and twice rebiddable ♦s iirc. 3♥ from N was labeled 5+ ♥s, 8+ total points and is perhaps an attempt to keep the road to 3NT open. 4♥ from S should bring 3 cards in ♥. Bud 3♥ is obviously forcing and may be very strong, something must be done and the players decided to raise to 4♥ with doubleton support to play in a 5-2 or 6-2 fit since there's no other full game in view. This is what happened, now: How should this be bid correctly?
I'd argue that 3♦ from S is the best available description of the hand, but the 3♥ bid from N looks plain crazy to me. What should N do instead? This situation has a number of side-questions:
- May 3♦ from S be passed?
- Should 3♠ from N be natural or artificial?
- Should 4♦ from N be invitational or Minorwood?
- And was S at fault by raising to 4♥?
By the way, the top score in this board went to a player who passed in the first round (as S with a 7-card suit and 15 HCP, oh yes!). W opened 2♥, Weak2, N and E passed, and S now bid 3♦ to be played and made. No comment on this. However, this brings up another interesing aspect because there is another, more sensible way of getting there. If S opens 1NT(!), N will pass but the opponents will do something; S then rebids 3♦ probably to be played. Opening 1NT with a 7-card minor in 7222 is perfectly legal and not even alertable, I believe, but it is not common. Has anyone tried this on a regular basis, and what is your experience?