Has U.S. Democracy Been Trumped? Bernie Sanders wants to know who owns America?
Posted 2017-November-20, 20:44
Posted 2017-November-20, 21:11
Tick-tock, tick-tock....time's running out...tick-tock, tick-tock...
Posted 2017-November-21, 01:00
ldrews, on 2017-November-20, 20:44, said:
Absolutely! Killing thousands of people and legal, non-violent protest are exactly the same thing. This should be obvious to everyone!

Against that, when white supremacists engage in mass killings that is completely different and perfectly jusitifiable in order to "take back America". I think we are on the same page here Larry.
Posted 2017-November-21, 03:42
ldrews, on 2017-November-20, 20:44, said:
Posted 2017-November-21, 06:58
Zelandakh, on 2017-November-21, 01:00, said:
I didn't realize you held this viewpoint. I certainly don't share it.
Posted 2017-November-21, 08:57
Posted 2017-November-21, 09:31
The racism card: don't leave home without it.

Tick-tock, tick-tock....
Posted 2017-November-21, 09:37
jjbrr, on 2017-November-21, 08:57, said:
The mask came off and reality was revealed....tick-tock, tick-tock....

Posted 2017-November-21, 10:48
kenberg, on 2017-November-20, 11:50, said:
There's more to what Kelley said than just that one line. He also said that Lee was an honorable man, who when forced to choose between nation and state he chose state, rather than defending slavery. And his point about lack of compromise was stated as an alternative to it being about slavery, but slavery was the whole issue that they couldn't compromise on.
About the best you can say about this is that it seemed more intelligent and nuanced than anything Trump ever says about history.
Posted 2017-November-21, 10:58
ldrews, on 2017-November-20, 20:44, said:
What an incredibly idiotic statement.
The whole point of the First Amendment's right to free speech is that we're allowed to engage in peaceful political protest, even if it makes people uncomfortable. There is a line that you're not supposed to cross, where the speech actually causes injury (e.g. inciting violence, or the proverbial "shout 'fire!' in a crowded theatre"), but taking a knee is not even close to this. People tried arguments like this to stop people from burning flags during protests in the 60's; it didn't work then, it won't work now.
If the NFL said that players are entitled to voice their opinions, but not on company time, they would be within their rights. But that would probably be a PR nightmare for them.
Posted 2017-November-21, 13:06
barmar, on 2017-November-21, 10:48, said:
About the best you can say about this is that it seemed more intelligent and nuanced than anything Trump ever says about history.
Yes, basically I agree with this. It was pretty clear he was being a bit "clever", where that's not a compliment. I said that describing the issue as a lack of ability to compromise was disingenuous when he did not say what the compromise would entail.
Still, I think there are things to think about, a la my thought experiment. The idea was that here you are, 1787, at the Constitutional Convention. The South is adamant that they will not be joining the United States unless slavery is permitted to continue. You are totally opposed to this. You are also a person of prominence and what you say matters to many Northern delegates. The choices, we assume for discussion and perhaps reflecting reality, are two. Have the USA include all 13 former colonies, slavery allowed, or have a Northern USA and a Southern USA, whatever the countries would be called. The other delegates are awaiting your comment and your vote. You would do/say what?
Lincoln is said to have freed the slaves. But he is also said to have saved the Union. Which was his priority? Of course the objectives were somewhat in alignment, but if he had to choose?
History teaches that we humans have done damnably awful things to each other. We still do.
Perhaps a short personal story will serve as a metaphor for my thinking. When I was a young man I was complaining to my father about something in my childhood "We did what we thought was right" he said. I thought that over, decided that it was true, and decided that it was time, well past time, to stop griping about the actions of others in the past and start thinking productively about my own choices.
We could rename Constitution Hall because the Constitution did not ban slavery. I believe that this has in fact been suggested. Perhaps we should. But it might be far more profitable to think about how we treat each other today.
Posted 2017-November-21, 13:20
Winstonm, on 2017-November-20, 21:11, said:
Tick-tock, tick-tock....time's running out...tick-tock, tick-tock...
It's a typical MSNBC nothing burger. Rep. Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intel Committee, was saying similar ominous things 6 months ago and here we are 6 months later and nothing. It's the usual might be, could be, wish it were effort to create smoke by taking huge leaps to connect dots.
I can see where if you're convinced collusion occurred you'd be thinking how "damning" these contentions are. But see them for what they are, nothing more than allegations/innuendos by not unbiased individual. When I'd really worry would be if House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Nunez had given credence to such allegations.
Posted 2017-November-21, 13:21
barmar, on 2017-November-21, 10:58, said:
The whole point of the First Amendment's right to free speech is that we're allowed to engage in peaceful political protest, even if it makes people uncomfortable. There is a line that you're not supposed to cross, where the speech actually causes injury (e.g. inciting violence, or the proverbial "shout 'fire!' in a crowded theatre"), but taking a knee is not even close to this. People tried arguments like this to stop people from burning flags during protests in the 60's; it didn't work then, it won't work now.
If the NFL said that players are entitled to voice their opinions, but not on company time, they would be within their rights. But that would probably be a PR nightmare for them.
In fact the PR problem is unavoidable. I never did care for sports bars with five tvs all on at the same time, but there was a story a while back about a Baltimore bar that threw out all of its Ravens memorabilia in an effort to hold on to their customers. As I get it, nobody gives a damn if the players turn their brains into mush running into each other at full tilt as long as they don't kneel before the start of the game. This is beyond my understanding.
Posted 2017-November-21, 15:42
rmnka447, on 2017-November-21, 13:20, said:
I can see where if you're convinced collusion occurred you'd be thinking how "damning" these contentions are. But see them for what they are, nothing more than allegations/innuendos by not unbiased individual. When I'd really worry would be if House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Nunez had given credence to such allegations.
I really don't care about collusion - his problems are considerably more than that. Tick-tock, tick-tock...
Posted 2017-November-21, 15:49
kenberg, on 2017-November-21, 13:06, said:
I am not American but my understanding of the matter is that the North had no real problem with this, albeit that many foresaw that in the longer term the situation would become untenable. The real issue at that time was whether new territories should allow slavery or not. At least 4 different methodologies were proposed for how this should work.
The secession occured when Lincoln and the Republican party rejected the Crittenden Compromise, which would have permanently enshrined slavery in all states south of the Missouri-Arkansas border line (including most of New Mexico and Indian Territories) and when the South rejected the Corwin Amendment that existing states should continue with slavery but without the safeguards built into the CC.
But I guess every American school child has to learn all of that and knows it pretty much by rote.
Posted 2017-November-21, 17:09
Posted 2017-November-21, 17:11
Zelandakh, on 2017-November-21, 15:49, said:
The secession occured when Lincoln and the Republican party rejected the Crittenden Compromise, which would have permanently enshrined slavery in all states south of the Missouri-Arkansas border line (including most of New Mexico and Indian Territories) and when the South rejected the Corwin Amendment that existing states should continue with slavery but without the safeguards built into the CC.
But I guess every American school child has to learn all of that and knows it pretty much by rote.
Actually not all of it.but I often wasn't listening.
Posted 2017-November-21, 18:56
AT&T or Comcast you are pleased; however, if you are one of 62 million regular citizens - you, know, the ones who bought into Trump's populist propaganda scam and voted for him - well, you are screwed.
Welcome to reality, suckers.
Posted 2017-November-21, 19:57
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