pescetom, on 2018-May-15, 09:25, said:
I don't see why the double leaves you screwed, whatever you choose should be ok.
But I do share your bewilderment about that Pass instead of 4♣.
It's interesting that the description of your bid says "negative double" but then only mentions ♥ and total points, not ♣.
The standard meaning of the negative double is 4+ hearts. If 5+ hearts it will be too weak to bid 2
♥ directly. It doesn't show clubs.
East's bidding is understandable. It would be nice if it could double 3
♦ but unfortunately this shows better diamonds in the GIB system.
♣ is possible but presumably it needs five clubs for that. 3
♠ might show this hand but it probably doesn't in the GIB system.
Maybe W should pull the final double but it's not easy. 4NT as choice-of-strain would come in handy but probably GIB wouldn't take 4NT that way.
So you're screwed. Hole in the system.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket