Added: Bottom line, placed forst: It's time for me to get the 2012 edition. Things change!
BillPatch, on 2015-August-01, 15:36, said:
Chapter 12(pp. 209-212) of Lawrence. . . Takeout Doubles continues the auction after one of a suit,( dbl), p, (simple suit rebid).p, (cue of opener's suit). 70% of the time opener will have the hand with three card support and 18+ support point s. If doubler has this hand he does not promise a rebid over a minimum change of suit, NT, or rebid of advancer's suit. With the OP hand--a maximum with a 4 card suit without a good club stopper--he should recue 3♣. With a maximum 4 card suit and a good club stopper, rebid 3 NT, with a maximum and longer original suit jump in hearts.
I wish you were here, we could get to the bottom of this quickly.
First: In my paperback, or perhaps softcover, version, pages 209-212 are in Chapter 17. But 109-112 are in Chapter 12. And it deals with a cue. So I assume that.
This (ch 12, pages 109-112, from 1994) is dealing with the cue bid response to the doubler, not the cue bid rebid by the doubler. for example, in hand a. on page 110 we have
Fourth hand holds
AK43 / KQ3 / Q73 / 873
A 2C call is recommended. Maybe the hand belongs in 4S, maybe in 3NT. We start with 2C.
Hand b is AQ73 / JT74 / K4 / 963
Here the plan is first cue 2C to find out which major pardten has four of and raise his response to a passable 3.
this is my 1994 edition in softcover.
But the auction in question is
1C X P 1S
P 2C.
So I am not sure if this is different editions or different situations.
I am guessing different editions.
All of this has inspired me to order the 2012 edition mentioned above. I generally find ML's suggestions to my liking. His style seems to be "natural first, science if needed". This suits me.