fantasy can be fun, occasionally even useful, so I will imagine a hand for partner, and speculate on how he might see things.
At this point, the hand might well belong in 4S. Or in 4H. Or?
So he bids 2C and I respond 2D.
If he is trusts me for four cards in this second suit, he may feel optimistic about a 5D contract. If S has a 4=1=4=4 shape with the ace of spades, it appears that 5D is a fair bet: Case the AK of diamonds trusting they split 3-2 and set out to develop the long heart be AK and two ruffs. If hearts are 5-5 instead of 4-3, maybe the spades are 3-3.
Still, it would be understandable that he does not wish to give up in hearts. If be any chance S is 4=3=3=3, perhaps a remote chance since EW have not been advertising their nine card club fit, then he wants to be in hearts. i Ithink this is possible, since opener could have five clubs. E would not necessarily bid 2 or 3 clubs over the double on a four card holding and zip, and W would probably not bid 2C over 1S on a five card holding and limited values. So it could be this way.
At any rate, it seems likely to me that N would start with a double, then bid 2C, then 2H. What else? Thinking this way, we are not in a total gf (S might have nothing) and hearts are not set as trump. But it seems that we find spades when S has five cards, we find hearts when S has three cards, and we find diamonds when we belong in diamonds.
This wasn't the way that it was, but it seems to me that it could have been.
With the hand I actually had, we will presumably end in a game opposite this fantasy N hand. It might not work out. 4S is in deep stuff if the defense begins with AK of clubs. I suppose ruff the club, cash KQ of trump, cash top hearts, ruff heart cash spade. If hearts and spades are 3-3 you are home. 4H is better, presumably the heart Q is onside, so five heart tricks are available on a 3-3 split. If the play begins AK of clubs, there will be some decisions to make but i suspect the play goes: Ruff the second club, spade to the ace, run the J of hearts.Ten tricks wit Qxx onside.