As far I can tell, it seems that *prudence* is the primary factor in the reasoning here.
I understand the prudence of passers.
However, I think that the expectation that "pard will reopen bidding our values" is expecting too much, bacause of the shape.
If this hand screams prudence, balancer with 8-9 hcp and xxx in their suit should pass anyways, in the same name of prudence (xxx in opps suit usually spells trouble).
If any action can be taken, it can be taken only by us.
So, IMO, it is the last chance to compete.
So I think that passers should accept that if they pass, the auction is more than likely to end.
Here I disagree with the possibility outlined by Ben that both 2H and 2S will be down: I am not a LOTT-bot
My understanding is that doublers acknowledge this is the last train to compete.
Double is more flexible, but I wonder in the cost -benefit anaklysis, and in the frequency, how often one bid will work better than the other.
However, it seems to me that paradoxically, double may be more dangerous than 2S.
The reasons:
1- we would like to be declarer in the final contract, so that our unsupported Ks and AJ of D are not led through
2- double gives up most hopes for a 5-3 (or even 5-2) fit unless pard has 4+ spades.
With 4 cards in the minor, pard is likely to bid the minor.
Even if pard bids spades, the contract is wrong sided.
3- the increased likelihood that pard bids a minor means an increased likelihood of playing for 9 tricks instead of 8
4- this is an OBAR situation, where i should bid as balancing, basically bidding as if I had a K more: if I were in the REAL balancing seat, would I bid 2S or double ?
Personally I'd bid 2S.
On balance, it seems to me that 2S would avoid major disasters and end up with a positive choice in most hands whare pard's support is at least xx, because it keeps bidding lower and rightside the contract.
As fa as frequency, I think most of the times pard will have support for spades, the more so in these sequence.
It is also true that, in the rare case where this assumption fails, we can go down a lot (assuming opps settle for doubling at the 2-level when they have a fit, even rarer case).
So it seems a matter of magnitude-frequency analysis and form of scoring.