Walddk, on Mar 22 2005, 12:23 PM, said:
(snip) My personal view is that it's dangerous to come in with a 5332 shape vulnerable unless your 5-card suit is very good.
If I bid, (snip)
For once, Roland and I are on the same page (and quite a different one from nearly everyone else). Like Roland, I think IF I bid here, I will double... but at imps, like Roland, I think 2
♠ shows better spades... in fact, in my reply, I said...
My spade suit isn't quite suitable for 2♠.
Justin (another gold star beside Roland replying here) suggest that passing gives away 6 imps. I assume his assumption here is you make 2
♠ (+110) and they make 2
♥ (-110), for a net swing of six imps (six imps is 220 to 260). But there are many other options. For one thing, both 2
♥ and 2
♠ are down one, so you throw away five imps (-100 instead of +100), or one makes and the other is down, so as long as their is no double, it is a wash (-100 versus -110, or +100 versus +110). But there are other options, as well. These others ones obviously weigh heavily on Roland's mind when he said the "[b](his) personal view is that it's dangerous to come in with a 5332 shape vulnerable unless your 5-card suit is very good."
This worries me too. It is so much easier for the opponents to double you when they have two or three trump tricks and their partner has limited their hand. Thus bidding here runs two significant risk. The first is West is on big hand and finds a penalty double when they can't make much more than +140. Now -500 or -800 is possible, and minus more occassionally. Second, if you get away with the 2
♠, your partner might easily raise you expecting more DESPITE OBAR rules, given the type of game (imps) and the vulnerabilty. It would be a darn shame to bid 2
♠, have West pass and have partner raise to 3
♠ on some unattractive hand like Jxxx xx KTx QTxx (everything appears to be working) only to find we lose 2
♠, 2
♥, 2
♣, and 1
♦ doubled (when we misguess
♦Q and WEST has AQ of spades) when we can win 3D and one club against what ever they bid (no diamond guess when you see dummy). Or give partner the spade QJ, and we still lose 2C, 2H, and 1S doubled and have to find diamond Queen to avoid down two.
Bid if you have too... but at some point, you need to start considering risk versus reward.... that is take a look at the vulnerabilty and the type game. At MP, you should bid everytime, because based upon frequency, 2
♠ will be the winner in the long run (more good results after bidding 2
♠ than after passing). But based upon anticipated results, bidding here at imps, will lead to enough larger negative swings to make it unwise in my opinion (this hand is not worth the 14 hcp it seems to have 5-2-3-3 is not great distribution, 2 hearts is not a great holding, the king of hearts should be discounted).
There is a third consideration here. Your opponents are vulnerable. IF WEST has any extra, he will make a game try. If he passes, your partner will know you ahve a nice hand. Under these conditions, your partner will strain to reopen despite your pass if it goes 2H-P-P-P....