1st - green vs. red, auction starts with pass pass and you're dealt the following collection
2nd - all red
Strong NT, 2D transfer to H, not promising values
3rd - a defensive play to change from bidding decisions
You're dealt a 2325 hand with your only HCP in A8743 in clubs, all other cards being small pips. Your RHO deals and opens 1NT (strong), LHO staymans, and bids an invitational 2NT when the openers denies majors with 2D. After some thought, RHO bids 3NT. You lead the C4 as 4th best, dummy hits with xxxx KQxx Kx 652 (leaving all high Cs with partenr and declarer). Partner wins the K, declarer dropping the 10. Partner then continues with the J, covered by the Q. Your move.
This post has been edited by apollo1201: 2015-July-12, 02:23