I was looking the the BBO-advanced FD-file, and noticed the following lines
001N2C{NOT FOR MAJORS}2D{NOT FOR MAJORS}=NYYYYYYA08Jacoby transfer, 5+!hs
and a little later in the file
001N2C{LANDY - FOR MAJORS}2D{LANDY - FOR MAJORS}=NYYYYYYA08Jacoby transfer, 5+!hs
Ignoring the fact it is strange playing transfer after 1NT-(2♣) showing boths majors, it could look like we should be able to define the same bid with different meanings based on some kind of explanation marked with {}, but I have no idea about how that information can be provided to FD when the bid should be explained - Anyone got any ideas ?
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Hidding functionality in FD
Posted 2015-July-03, 16:02
Thorvald Aagaard
Mobile : +45 22 99 55 25
Mobile : +45 22 99 55 25
Posted 2015-July-05, 19:45
thorvald, on 2015-July-03, 16:02, said:
Ignoring the fact it is strange playing transfer after 1NT-(2♣) showing boths majors,
2♣ is often 5-4 some even 4-4 so our side can have majority of a major suit. Also this may be a prelude to bidding out shape by offering NT or a second suit.
Sarcasm is a state of mind
Posted 2015-July-23, 15:59
steve2005, on 2015-July-05, 19:45, said:
not to turn this into a bidding question but...
2♣ is often 5-4 some even 4-4 so our side can have majority of a major suit. Also this may be a prelude to bidding out shape by offering NT or a second suit.
2♣ is often 5-4 some even 4-4 so our side can have majority of a major suit. Also this may be a prelude to bidding out shape by offering NT or a second suit.
I am much more interested in the syntax, than the actual bidding - Nobody knows what the intentions of this was ?
Thorvald Aagaard
Mobile : +45 22 99 55 25
Mobile : +45 22 99 55 25
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