akwoo, on 2015-July-03, 14:05, said:
Most bridge players play by rote and never actually think about the game.
(C'mon, Arend - surely you know that the vast majority of students in Calculus pass the class by learning how to do calculus problems without actually understanding anything. Why should it be any different for bridge players?)
(Not singling out akwoo - just seems everybody misunderstood what I said.)
I never claimed anything different. "This is very basic" is not the same as "most people know this".
"Basic research" != "research everyone could do"
"It's a basic truth that currency union are only sustainable with constant transfer payments to poorer regions; yet most Europeans are seem to be unaware of this" is not a contradiction in terms.
Nor is "We spend 3 years teaching Calculus to high school and college students; yet afterwards they are good at complicated symbolic manipulations, but still don't understand basic concepts behind the notion derivative and integral".
Full Definition of BASIC
a : of, relating to, or forming the base or essence : fundamental <basic truths>
b : concerned with fundamental scientific principles : not applied <basic research>
: constituting or serving as the basis or starting point <a basic set of tools>
a : of, relating to, containing, or having the character of a chemical base
b : having an alkaline reaction
: containing relatively little silica <basic rocks>
: relating to, made by, used in, or being a process of making steel done in a furnace lined with basic material and under basic slag
The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke