Is partner 3 Spades bid forcing?
Posted 2015-June-24, 16:43
Playing 11-14 NT
you 1♦
pard 1♠
you 3♦ 15-17 HCP unbalanced invite to 3 NT ? with balanced hand rebid would be 1NT
Pard 3 ♠
about things that matter! (Martin Luther King Jr.).....
Keep fighting for HEALTH CARE for ALL !
Posted 2015-June-24, 16:52
With a weak misfit, responder just passes.
Posted 2015-June-25, 10:29
masse24, on 2015-June-24, 16:52, said:
With a weak misfit, responder just passes.
I echo the above and want to throw in some reasoning. The % of hands where stopping in 3s is correct is tiny. It is generally much better to use the 3s bid as forcing to allow for the partnership to explore for the proper contract. This is true even if you have a weak misfit opposite diamonds and really really really prefer to be in spades QJTxxx xxx void Kxxx or some such:)))
Posted 2015-June-26, 09:39
Although the 3♦ bid is very descriptive it has chewed up a lot of important bidding space. Responder may have long spades, short diamonds and ambitions for the correct game or even slam in spades, diamonds or even notrump and need to find out which.
That as opposed to needing to play in exactly 3♠? As pointed out, you just pass 3♦ with that and still have a decent chance of landing on your feet.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-June-26, 09:55
Posted 2015-June-27, 04:18
That said, I think there's virtually no such thing as a 100% forcing bid by a limited hand.
Posted 2015-June-27, 10:58
Jinksy, on 2015-June-27, 04:18, said:
That said, I think there's virtually no such thing as a 100% forcing bid by a limited hand.
Is responder limited? Really?
Posted 2015-June-27, 11:13
George Carlin
Posted 2015-June-27, 15:24
Posted 2015-June-27, 15:53
gwnn, on 2015-June-27, 11:13, said:
The concept of a bid being non-forcing bid after partner has forced to game is a new one for me.
Posted 2015-June-27, 16:46
Posted 2015-June-29, 06:01
Vampyr, on 2015-June-27, 15:53, said:
Well obviously if our agreement is that the subseqent 4♦ bid is nonforcing, we would call the 3♠ bid a one round force.
Posted 2015-June-29, 08:25
helene_t, on 2015-June-29, 06:01, said:
Well, yes. The comment I was responding to was about 4♦ itself being GF -- presumably if 3♠ wasn't, but that was not the context of the comment.
Posted 2015-June-29, 13:37
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2015-June-30, 05:15
Posted 2015-June-30, 21:37
Trust demands integrity, balance and collaboration.
District 11
Unit 124
Steve Moese
Posted 2015-July-14, 08:22
Vampyr, on 2015-June-27, 15:53, said:
In my system notes I define the term GF to mean "forcing to 3NT" and UGF is then "unconditionally game forcing", meaning that it is not possible to stop in 4 of a minor. I believe PK also has specific sequences where it is possible to stop in 4m in auctions where an alternative (not stronger) bid would effectively be UGF. It is something of a matter of terminology of course but I do not think it is quite as uncommon as you might think.