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guess the jack
Posted 2015-June-23, 01:44
Click on next to follow the play, opps play std carding if it matters.
Posted 2015-June-23, 06:01
Posted 2015-June-23, 07:19
Posted 2015-June-23, 07:37
Posted 2015-June-23, 09:33
It is right to NOT ruff this dia anytime rho began with xx(very unlikely due to no dia bid) xxx xxxx.
There is NOTHING in the bidding or play that appears to alter these odds. I prefer to go with the odds (how many times have I regretted saying that) and NOT ruff this trick. Even if I lose I might still win the post mortem in the forums:)
Posted 2015-June-23, 10:20
gszes, on 2015-June-23, 09:33, said:
There is NOTHING in the bidding or play that appears to alter these odds. I prefer to go with the odds (how many times have I regretted saying that) and NOT ruff this trick. Even if I lose I might still win the post mortem in the forums:)
George...follow the play again. RHO can not have xxxx. LHO already followed 3 diamonds and discarded one.
However you are right that he is unlikely to have xx because no diamond bid AND, with 2263 hand LHO could easily set us by playing 2nd spade after ♠A (trump promotion) on 3rd spade)
So RHO has either xxx or Jxx.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2015-June-23, 12:14
RHO played the 4 at trick one, which I assume was a suggestion that he didn't really want any switch, which is reasonably consistent with the subsequent play.
LHO, tho, played the 3, on the discard, and now the 6. Where is the 5?
Assuming our cases are RHO with J42 or 542, he has to play as he did, but with the former, LHO has the 5 and 6 available at the key trick, and could have played either. If he was lazy, then he'd play the 5 more than 50% of the time. Meanwhile, if RHO had 542, LHO has no choice...he is forced to play the 6.
Thus on restricted choice reasoning, I place LHO with AKJ63 and RHO with 542.
Those is easy to miss them (assuming I am correct)

Posted 2015-June-23, 12:46
mikeh, on 2015-June-23, 12:14, said:
RHO played the 4 at trick one, which I assume was a suggestion that he didn't really want any switch, which is reasonably consistent with the subsequent play.
LHO, tho, played the 3, on the discard, and now the 6. Where is the 5?
Assuming our cases are RHO with J42 or 542, he has to play as he did, but with the former, LHO has the 5 and 6 available at the key trick, and could have played either. If he was lazy, then he'd play the 5 more than 50% of the time. Meanwhile, if RHO had 542, LHO has no choice...he is forced to play the 6.
Thus on restricted choice reasoning, I place LHO with AKJ63 and RHO with 542.
Those is easy to miss them (assuming I am correct)

True but OTOH, people usually make a suit preference signals when pd cashes the dummy's singleton on opening lead. RHO has a preference on spades than he has on clubs and I do not think he expects pd to understand ♦4 as "no preference"
Then why did he not play 5 from 542 to be a little bit more clear? Perhaps he has J42?
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2015-June-23, 12:56
MrAce, on 2015-June-23, 12:46, said:
Then why did he not play 5 from 542 to be a little bit more clear? Perhaps he has J42?
1stly, it isn't clear that he has a spade preference. He played the 9 on the first round, but this isn't clearly QJ109x(x), since many would play the Q with that holding, so maybe he has J109xx(x). Even with the QJ109x(x), he doesn't want partner to shift away from the spade A.
Secondly, while we can see that declarer holds the 987 of diamonds, RHO doesn't have a clue about where the spots are and may in any event automatically choose the 4 from 542 as the 'middle one', even if, on reflection, he doesn't worry that partner has, say AK987, and so think the 5 to be suggesting spades.
In addition, I think the inferences from LHO's spots are simply more compelling, tho not conclusively so, than the uncertainties about RHO.
Finally, this was a fluffy problem which means that there is a real answer that is not merely guesswork, and your points about RHO are too uncertain, imo, to be the basis of a fluffy problem (which is a compliment to Gonzalo, btw

Posted 2015-June-23, 14:44
Once I took that into account I think there is another issue, LHO has no count on diamonds. Mikeh says he has a choice of spots from 65, but he is forgetting he also has a choice with J6, he doesn't know where the ♦7 lies, and that is a really important issue, since not covering with that holding could be a big disaster.
So I was wondering if the principle of "they don't cover, they don't have it" was a sound principle to apply on ruffing finesses from hand. The more I think of it the more I believe it applies.
Posted 2015-June-23, 17:46
Surely RHO gave a count card with the 2? So LHO knows S's length, and no way did S play the 8 at trick 1 from Q985

Posted 2015-June-23, 22:59
I don't fully agree with mikeh's restricted choice argument, because the argument that LHO would usually play the 5 from 65 leaves RHO with a choice from 542 in a spot where it looks like they will often have spade preference (assuming that's what the card meant).
If LHO didn't have a way to show [A? xx AKJxxx xxx] then I'd be afraid to go against the odds and would take the finesse, but if that hand isn't possible my gut tells me to play RHO for ♦Jxx.
Posted 2015-June-24, 00:03
mikeh, on 2015-June-23, 17:46, said:
Remaining count from J72 is to play the 2. He wouldn't want to show his remaining doubleton by playing the jack from J2.
Even when they should know the count, sometimes people just fail to give proper count on suits were it might help declarer.
Posted 2015-June-24, 10:12
MrAce, on 2015-June-23, 10:20, said:
However you are right that he is unlikely to have xx because no diamond bid AND, with 2263 hand LHO could easily set us by playing 2nd spade after ♠A (trump promotion) on 3rd spade)
So RHO has either xxx or Jxx.
SIGH getting OLD I could have sworn lho pitched a spade not a dia so my :odds: have taken a huge dump but still favorable to let it ride. TY for correction
Click on next to follow the play, opps play std carding if it matters.