They are playing some sort of multi, so they could not have opened a weak 2♦. Your lead?
Lead vs a slam
Posted 2015-June-19, 16:59
They are playing some sort of multi, so they could not have opened a weak 2♦. Your lead?
Posted 2015-June-19, 17:19
Posted 2015-June-19, 17:25
Jinksy, on 2015-June-19, 17:19, said:
My partner thought so to. I'll wait a bit to see what other people before I say for why I don't think this is necessarily true.
Posted 2015-June-19, 22:33
I will try Js.
I just hate to lead from a Q given Michael Rosenberg's comments over the years. Call it my bias.
I wont lead a trump given Bobby Wolf's comments over the years. Again call it a bias.
Posted 2015-June-20, 04:35
Posted 2015-June-20, 06:55
Est didnt make a negative and our partner didnt do a Michaels. So declarer got at least 2/3H and is sure to have 0 or 1 clubs (not a big surprise).
Declarer could get rid of a club on the 3rd H its its 4342 around the table. If we lead clubs however he could get rid of dummy H loser on AKQ of spades but there is not a lot we can do about that.
For sure it look like declarer spades are good and he will need only to ruff 2 more often than 3S. to be cont later...
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2015-June-20, 14:54
Posted 2015-June-20, 19:22
Posted 2015-June-21, 04:10

So P shall guard the ♣.
A ♠ lead to give P a ruff or a ♥ lead to open the suit can succeed only on the basis of chance.
Posted 2015-June-24, 04:50
Posted 2015-June-25, 15:36
Doubling when you want a heart lead and passing with a spade void does not make a lot of sense because a lot of hands you want a heart lead don't contain the AK of hearts. For instance the AJ of hearts or the HA or the HK etc etc might all be good enough but you can't know that they are and can't always be doubling then. A heart is a normal lead for obvious reasons on this auction, the 1S then 6D bidder is ready for clubs and is frequently void, he probably has good spades and diamonds, so herp derp heart lead. Doubling needs to ask for something unusual, that means a spade ruff. This logically follows since if you pass partner will do what is "normal" most of the time, in this case that means leading a heart.
Posted 2015-June-25, 16:18
mike777, on 2015-June-19, 22:33, said:
I will try Js.
I just hate to lead from a Q given Michael Rosenberg's comments over the years. Call it my bias.
I wont lead a trump given Bobby Wolf's comments over the years. Again call it a bias.
Did you notice that LHO opened 1♠?
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2015-June-26, 08:42
PhantomSac, on 2015-June-25, 15:36, said:
Doubling when you want a heart lead and passing with a spade void does not make a lot of sense because a lot of hands you want a heart lead don't contain the AK of hearts. For instance the AJ of hearts or the HA or the HK etc etc might all be good enough but you can't know that they are and can't always be doubling then. A heart is a normal lead for obvious reasons on this auction, the 1S then 6D bidder is ready for clubs and is frequently void, he probably has good spades and diamonds, so herp derp heart lead. Doubling needs to ask for something unusual, that means a spade ruff. This logically follows since if you pass partner will do what is "normal" most of the time, in this case that means leading a heart.
I see what you mean, I originally thought that I'm only really beating it with a heart if p has ♥AK, but in fact AJ will do too. I feel like if I had ♥K it would have been clear to lead a heart.
You are playing with an international against two internationals in an IMPs pairs game.
They are playing some sort of multi, so they could not have opened a weak 2♦. Your lead?