Posted 2015-June-13, 07:30
Would someone please clarify a quick question on carding.
Partner and I are defending a 1NT (15/17) open by opps. Partner leads hearts and we take first four tricks. On the 5th trick partner continues hearts and I signal a dislike in clubs.
Partner switches to diamonds by playing the 8 and I am holding K,Q,J,10. 7 and 5 diamonds are in dummy as declarer has dumped a couple of low diamonds against the earlier rounds of heart and I play my King and declare wins trick with Ace.
We played the remaining tricks and at the end the of the hand my partner stated that playing King of diamond on the 1st round was bad play as this suggested that I didn't hold the Queen. From memory my partner said that I should play the Queen on 1st round. Is this correct? Is there any particular diamond I could play with no agreement that would intimate that I have an honour sequence.
Comments appreciated.
Posted 2015-June-13, 07:32
Posted 2015-June-13, 08:20
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-June-13, 08:30
Posted 2015-June-13, 20:18
fromageGB, on 2015-June-13, 08:30, said:
It's the same problem -- If declarer wins the Q with the A, partner doesn't know which of you has the K.
Partner should be able to figure this out from other clues. For instance if you signalled for a diamond lead, you wouldn't do it with just T or JT.
And in the example in the OP, there were 5 low diamonds in dummy, and declarer was discarding diamonds. Would he do that with a 9 card fit holding the top honors?
Posted 2015-June-13, 23:35
These are clues that something is wrong.
Posted 2015-June-14, 01:54
This is based on the premise that partner is unlikely to be interested in the distinction between (say) KQJT and KQJx., and my well be able to work out from context which of Kxx and KQJ you hold if you play the K.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2015-June-14, 05:46
That should tell partner immediately what your diamond holding is(You should only be able to afford to play the king of diamonds, if you need a different switch which would be fatal or you have really good diamonds), and that one trick should not matter that much long, as long as you can get all your other diamonds.
Posted 2015-June-14, 07:59
That's why smith echo and other systems invented to let partnership know if lead liked.
Posted 2015-June-14, 09:04
barmar, on 2015-June-13, 20:18, said:
And in the example in the OP, there were 5 low diamonds in dummy, and declarer was discarding diamonds. Would he do that with a 9 card fit holding the top honors?
We are reading this differently. I see dummy as starting with four diamonds, the 75xx. I think you and aquahombre have it wrong.
Yes partner does not know you have the K, but playing the Q is consistent with having the K.
Playing the Q and having the K is more likely than playing the T and having the KQJ, so partner is more likely to play you for it if you get no chance to signal again.
This post has been edited by fromageGB: 2015-June-14, 09:07