♠ AJ975
♥ A9
♦ Q862
♣ A2
bidding goes 1s, 4NT, 5h (i should respond 5s), 6s
opponent leads 7d
and dummy shows
♠ KQT842
♣ Q5
Can I take all the tricks here? How?
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possible to squeeze here?
Posted 2015-June-09, 17:51
Squeezing is not a beginner topic, I wouldn't get too worried about it, but you are in fact correct. Draw trumps, ruff your hearts in dummy and ruff two diamonds in hand, if the K♦ hasn't turned up then run your winners until you have. x - - Qx in hand and - - Q Ax in dummy. Now when you play a trump LHO holding - - K Kx will have to throw the king of diamonds or bare the king of clubs. It won't work against RHO because you need an entry in clubs to dummy.
Hoped this helped.
Edit: I meant criss-cross rather than trump squeeze. I got my blocked suit squeezes confused
Hoped this helped.
Edit: I meant criss-cross rather than trump squeeze. I got my blocked suit squeezes confused

Posted 2015-June-09, 19:28
no expert on squeezes but looks like not possible as you have to ruff 2♥ so there will not be communication to get to both threats.
I believe the automatic squeeze is teachable to people who arn't yet intermediate its a fairly mechanical method.
I believe the automatic squeeze is teachable to people who arn't yet intermediate its a fairly mechanical method.
Sarcasm is a state of mind
Posted 2015-June-09, 21:15
After the diamond lead, be glad you are in six. We will examine twosqueeze endings, a positional squeeze and a potential criss-cross squeeze if they had lead a trump.
You can make 13 tricks if the diamond king falls in three rounds or if East (assuming declarer is South) has both the ♣K and ♦K. From the diamond lead, it is very likely East has the ♦K....
Pull trumps, ruff heart, ruff diamond, ruff heart, ruff diamond. Did ♦K fall. If yes, claim. If not cash all your Spades from North. Did the ♦K show up before you make a discard from South? If yes, discard a club and claim, if not, discard the ♦Q and hope East's last two cards are a pair of kings.
What kind of squeeze is this? It is a positional squeeze (only works against one opponent not the other). What that means is if the propsed defensive hands were reversed, the squeeze will not work.
The elements of the squeeze according to Clyde Love's nomenclature are: BLUE, for B, east is busy protecting against both minor suit queens. For L, you have 12 winners (6 spades in north, 2 hearts, 2 heart ruffs in south, and 2 minor suit aces for 12 tricks, thus one loser....so L is right. For U, the diamond queen is in the hand over the defender with both guards (in the UPPER hand), and E (for entry) opposite the squeeze card exist ... but it is in the threat suit held in the same hand with the squeeze card, which is why it is a positional squeeze (imagine same hand but with a spade opening lead, now a criss-cross squeeze will work against either opponent holding both kings)...
The ending position is
If the opening lead had been a spade, play for this position, The EW hands can be switched. When you win the last spade throw a club from dummy
You can make 13 tricks if the diamond king falls in three rounds or if East (assuming declarer is South) has both the ♣K and ♦K. From the diamond lead, it is very likely East has the ♦K....
Pull trumps, ruff heart, ruff diamond, ruff heart, ruff diamond. Did ♦K fall. If yes, claim. If not cash all your Spades from North. Did the ♦K show up before you make a discard from South? If yes, discard a club and claim, if not, discard the ♦Q and hope East's last two cards are a pair of kings.
What kind of squeeze is this? It is a positional squeeze (only works against one opponent not the other). What that means is if the propsed defensive hands were reversed, the squeeze will not work.
The elements of the squeeze according to Clyde Love's nomenclature are: BLUE, for B, east is busy protecting against both minor suit queens. For L, you have 12 winners (6 spades in north, 2 hearts, 2 heart ruffs in south, and 2 minor suit aces for 12 tricks, thus one loser....so L is right. For U, the diamond queen is in the hand over the defender with both guards (in the UPPER hand), and E (for entry) opposite the squeeze card exist ... but it is in the threat suit held in the same hand with the squeeze card, which is why it is a positional squeeze (imagine same hand but with a spade opening lead, now a criss-cross squeeze will work against either opponent holding both kings)...
The ending position is
When you take the spade king, East has no safe discard and no way to trick you.
If the opening lead had been a spade, play for this position, The EW hands can be switched. When you win the last spade throw a club from dummy
When you cash the spade king and discard a club, West has to give up something. If he discards a diamond, cash ♦A then cross to the ♣A to score the ♦Q. If he discards the ♣J, cross to the ♣A, then use the diamond Ace to get back to the ♣Q. BLUE is similar, but the entries to the various squeeze cards are in the threat suits held in the opposite hands
Hope this helps..
Hope this helps..
Posted 2015-June-10, 20:28
billw55, on 2015-June-10, 08:22, said:
Could the 4th heart also be used as a threat? Only one opponent can guard it.
To come to your 12 tricks you need to ruff three diamonds in North, That gets you back to 12 tricks, with entries to both hands I hearts, but you need toi find two pitches from North on the south spades, let me show you the ending..
Decide if you want to cash the club ace or not. Doesn't matter, because when you cash your next to last spade you can't afford to pitch a club from North or say bye bye to your club threat. And if you discard a heart, there goes your "only one opponents can protect against the 4th round of hearts.... as you no longer has 4 hearts.
WHAT if you ruff one heart only (cash ak and riff one) What is the entry back to the heart threat after you ruffed three diamond to get up to 12 tricks (answer there is no entry then to North). That is, to ESTABLIS the 4th round of hears, you have to ruff one, and to keep the heart threat and get to 12 ricks, you have to ruff 3 diamonds. This kills entry to the heart threat. Hope this makes sense.
A better question might be why can't you do a trump squeeze that would work if either opponent holds both minor suit kings rather than the positional squeeze I gave.
WHAT if you ruff one heart only (cash ak and riff one) What is the entry back to the heart threat after you ruffed three diamond to get up to 12 tricks (answer there is no entry then to North). That is, to ESTABLIS the 4th round of hears, you have to ruff one, and to keep the heart threat and get to 12 ricks, you have to ruff 3 diamonds. This kills entry to the heart threat. Hope this makes sense.
A better question might be why can't you do a trump squeeze that would work if either opponent holds both minor suit kings rather than the positional squeeze I gave.
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