diana_eva, on 2015-May-23, 14:36, said:
This poll shows a number of players I consider better than myself thinking that it's not a good idea to balance. I thought it was a clear bid there.
How about this hand? Still IMPs at teams. I think it's clear to bid here as well, although this hand seems better than the other one so perhaps this time it
is normal to bid.
I am missing the core logic I guess. When and why to not interfere, what's normal and what isn't?
To me it's still a pass. Your
♥ length is better now, three is the worst for a suit which has not be raised. However,
♥K is a terrible value in front of the 6-card suit.
The main idea however is: If they have a fit, we probably have a fit. Therefore after 1
♥ p 2
♥ this hand is automatic 2
♠. However if they don't have a fit, we also probably don't.
Let's see why that is. If they have 8
♥ then we have 5. The only suit distribution where we have no fit is 5-7-7-7.
Also why
♥K is so terrible: Both opponents have a limited hand, suggesting HCP might be about 20-20. If we assume HCP are 20-20, then every HCP we have reduces partner's HCP. Since
♥K is likely to be worthless, the same hand with
♥2 instead of
♥K would be a BETTER balancing 2
♠ bid than the actual hand. For one thing it could mean that partner has your
♥K, in which case he might be making a trick with it. Or he could have
♠K instead of your
♥K which would be even better.
So how to apply this knowledge. We are supposed to bid 2-over-2 if there are at least 15 tricks in the hand, therefore we need 15 trumps. This seems about right. However, from "I beat the law" logic, if HCP are 20-20 and we only count
♥K for 1/3, they are virtually 18-22 against us. This means that the 8th trick most likely belongs to the opponents and we can at best improve -110 to -100.
However there could also be less than 15 trumps, or our fit might be in a minor. This is where things get worse and make this hand into a clear pass.
Even though 2
♥ seems favorite to make, there are too many hands that would lead to -200 or worse in 2