Posted 2015-September-25, 20:29
Why is this in "interesting bridge hands", are we meant to be mesmerized by North's underbids?
It's very obvious given both hands that you always have 12 tricks when spades are 3-2. When they aren't 3-2, you still have a chance to take 12 tricks if you can play the clubs for 1 loser, but only in NT, not in spades. Which of these should South bid without knowing what North actually has? The answer is South should probably be mashing the undo button, because given North's uncooperative bidding he's much more likely to have 12 points than 14, e.g. 3 small hearts rather than Qxx.
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"
-- Bertrand Russell
zdedo asks "What to choose here 6Nt or 6♠ and why? A tip : one of them makes the other -1 no way to safe."
Looking only at the South hand, IMO, 6N by South is the best prospect. Hard to reach when partner bid notrump 1st.
On these 2 hands, 6N (by partner) seems better than 6♠ by you but the latter might have been safer had partner held e.g.
♠ A K J ♥ J x ♦ x x x ♣ K J T x x