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how does ? work

#1 User is offline   kiwinacol 

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Posted 2015-March-24, 14:53


I’d be grateful if you would help with my script please.

Our bbo group is having problems with Lebensohl (we use it system wide, not just over NT opening, but this code is a starting point).

Every thing seems to work ok (in not generating errors and hands are as expected) until I get to the conditional line. Then unexpected deals appear .. if east has overcalled in D’s south should have a singleton D.


N S AT62 H AK6 D 7632 CA4 OK

E S Q9 H Q52 D AJ954 C KT8 OK

S S J843 H J987 D KQ8 C J8 ... if east matches (he does) conditional then south should have singleton D

W S K75 H T43 D T C Q76532

North: 1NT OPENING - 15 to 17
East: any single suit overcall
South: GF, Stop, no stayman
West: balance of suits and points
==================================.... this heading is what I'm eventually aiming for

# NT opening 15-17
(shape(north, any 4432 + any 4333 ) and hcp(north)>14 and hcp(north)<18)
# Overcalls
# Club overcall
((hcp(east)>11 and hcp(east)<14 and hcp(east,clubs)==5) and clubs(east)>=5)
# Diamond overcall
((hcp(east)>11 and hcp(east)<14 and hcp(east,diamonds)==5) and diamonds(east)>=5)
# Heart overcall
((hcp(east)>11 and hcp(east)<14 and hcp(east,hearts)==5) and hearts(east)>=5)
# Spade overcall
((hcp(east)>11 and hcp(east)<14 and hcp(east,spades)==5) and spades(east)>=5)
# when ‘if’ below works, Responder will later have ... values, no stop, at least interest in one major
# and I’ll replace ‘shape(south, xxxx)’ with that code
# the line below is meant to check if east has overcalled in D’s.

(diamonds(east) >=5 and hcp(east,diamonds) ==5 ? shape(south, xx1x) : shape(south, xxxx) )

diamonds(east) >=5 and hcp(east,diamonds) ==5 ?

In the line above I don’t want east to be generated 5+D and 5 HCP, but to be checked for it, so that I can give south a stop or not in D’s etc:

is there another way?



#2 User is offline   DAVDJ1 

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Posted 2015-May-19, 06:00

Lebensohl is usually not to get you to a marvelous game contract, but to keep you out of trouble. Partner opens 1 NT opps overcall you bid 2 NT (alert) relays partner to 3 clubs (alert) which you will pass of that is your suit or you will bid any non-jump it is to play. If in the event you have the overcalled suit well stopped you will force partner to 3 clubs and then bid 3 NT (alert). if you bid 3 NT directly over the interference (alert) it shows a aise to 3 NT without interfered suit stopped If Partner does not have it stopped he will start runouts at the 4 level with his lowest 4-5 card suit if you have to, you may correct to a suit of your own.
Lebensohl is also useful when opps open a weak two bid and partner doubles. A bid by you of 2 NT sends partner 2 3 clubs and you will set the contract.
Hope this clears your Lebensohl problems. I am a director in the IAC and I intend to give a class on the uses of Lebensohl
Dave Jerviss

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