Posted 2015-March-09, 11:51
The fact that South doubled and the meaning ascribed to the double are both dumbfounding.
It's like South once having opened has to double with nearly all hands and force to 3nt in this situation.
I think they have to comb through database for all the "2+" doubles and improve the definition. I don't think any doubles should specifically promise 2 or more in the opp's suit. 2 or fewer makes some sense for takeout doubles, but 2+ is never a reason to double. The doubles should be one of:
- takeout, 2- in opp's suit, 3+ in unbid (as an initial assumption, canceled by the double and bid a suit sequences)
- negative, 4+ in unbid major (or both majors over 1d)
- penalty, 4+ in opp's suit at 3 level or lower
- support, 3+ partner's 1 level response suit if lower than the 2 level raise.
- responsive, 4+ in unbid suits after partner's takeout double/overcall and opp's raise
- general strength, significantly above minimum for previous bidding, just denying known 8+ cd fit in a major (unless above 4M), but not promising any particular length in the opp's suit.
None of these are "2+" in the opp's suit which is silly. On the posted auction, this belongs to the "general strength" category, it should be something like 15+ HCP, 2- hearts, no club stopper IMO. Given hand should surely just pass.