What would your two-level openings be? Baltic club + Multi 1NT
Posted 2015-March-04, 00:43
1C = 11+ natural or 12-14 balanced or 18+ any
1DHS = Natural 11-17
1NT = 15-17 NT or a weak two in hearts or spades
Now all bids at the 2-level are available for whatever you want, and you do not have to include regular weak twos in the majors since they're included in 1NT. Just out of curiousity, what would your choices be?
Posted 2015-March-04, 01:11
NV I'd play:
2C=weak two nat or bad weak two diamonds
2D=good weak two nat or bad weak two hearts
2H=good weak two nat or bad weak two spades
2S=good weak two nat
V I don't see much wrong with just four weak two's... Although you might want to play something like 2D bad weak two in a major and 2M a good weak two. Not sure what 2C could be then. Maybe both minors weak?
I hope it's ok to say at this point that the whole idea of Baltic Club seems absurd to me.
edit: no weak two's in hearts and spades eithet? yikes! I think I read that part of the opening post but blocked it out due to how little sense it makes to put them in 1NT
George Carlin
Posted 2015-March-04, 01:20
Posted 2015-March-04, 01:31
Responses were constrained by the "no conventional calls" restriction of GCC (although we also took advantage that GCC defines natural in a minor as 3+...), so we played
2C-2D = 3+D, usually interest in a major, inv (treat as 1N-2C NF stayman)
2C-2M/2N = to play
2C-3m = 3+m, usually interest in a major, GF (treat as 1N-2D GF stayman, you will have a 3crd m except if (54)22)
2C-3M = nat GF
but you can obviously do better if you do not have such restrictions.
As often discussed in PC threads it may make sense to play 1D as wider-ranging, but perhaps you can offload some of the hands to 2D instead too.
Posted 2015-March-04, 01:43
Kungsgeten, on 2015-March-04, 01:20, said:
Yes I did notice that after rereading the OP but it just seems such a strange system at this point.. I guess then I'd just play four weak twos and splitting the hands with a major. Alternatively you could play 2D wilkosz? I don't know really, as long as you are giving away imps left and right with your 1NT openings it doesn't matter much what you do with the rest.
George Carlin
Posted 2015-March-04, 01:53
2♦ - 5-10 5/5 with at least one major (Wilkosz)
2♥ - 5-10, exactly 44 in the majors (alternatively include 5/4 either way in majors too: extra alternatively you could also do 2♥ Flanery - or even 2♥ precision style 4415-1 - if you wanted to take some pressure off your one level bids)
2♠ - Good 3 minor preempt
2nt - both minors preempt
I think the above would make sense for supplementing your one level openings.
Posted 2015-March-04, 02:58
2d wilk
2H 4H 5+ other
2S 4S 5+ m
Posted 2015-March-04, 03:09
2C=0-2 spades 3+♥ 3+♦ 3+♣?
George Carlin
Posted 2015-March-04, 03:27
Posted 2015-March-04, 04:24
helene_t, on 2015-March-04, 02:58, said:
2d wilk
2H 4H 5+ other
2S 4S 5+ m
I think you can get the minor hands off with 2nt, and then do 2♣ as balanced 8-11 with 4+ clubs, and the other 2 levels as you have (all 5-10). The 4M 5+ other preempts would be potentially hard on the opponents.
helene_t, on 2015-March-04, 03:27, said:
This would also work, although I'd prefer inverted psycho suction (so every bid X is either 2-suiter X and X+1 or 1-suiter X+2 all bids, including the first, nf pass or correct). But I think the other preempts are probably better.
Posted 2015-March-04, 04:37
George Carlin
Posted 2015-March-04, 05:53
2H = hearts and another
2S = spades and a minor
2N = minors
Posted 2015-March-04, 08:39
Posted 2015-March-04, 09:03
Posted 2015-March-04, 09:56
Example for that would be.
2C-diamonds weak or some strong 4441
2D-Wilkosz(But also add some strong options, like same hand but can be strong as well)
2S-Minors Weak or strong
2NT-20-21 bal
Posted 2015-March-04, 13:43
- One of my favorites: Lorenzo two's (I used to play 2M Lorenzo's when NV with great success). This gives you a pass showing (6/7)8-10 HCP any.
2X = 0-7HCP with 4+X, Majors first style (pretty much obligated unless you have a good hand like AQ or AK)
- This I used to play with my f2f partner, very aggressive and also very playable when Vulnerable:
2m showing weak hands with 4+m and 4+M. Especially the 2♣ opening is great because you can use 2♦ to ask for the Major which partner doesn't hold!
2♥ = weak with at least 4-4 Majors
2♠ = agressive weak two with 5+♠ (or perhaps Lorenzo two)
- Something based on the Random 2♣. We played it one night at the club, it came up 4 times, and the next week BSC's were banned
2♣ = 0-5HCP, any distribution (so pass shows 6-10 without much distribution)
Other bids are still free, so I'd take something like:
2♦ = Wilkosz (weak with 5+M and 5+ other)
2♥ = weak with 44+M (not 5-5)
2♠ = weak with 5♠ (5332 or 4-card minor)
Posted 2015-March-05, 07:20
Free, on 2015-March-04, 13:43, said:
I've played Lorenzo two's a couple of times in a natural forcing pass system played only non-vul:
Pass = 15+
1X = 8-14, 5+ suit or 4441
1NT = (11)12-14
2X = 0-7(8), 4+ suit
2NT = 9-11 NT
A cool thing if playing Lorenzo with a pass showing constructive values, say 7-10, is that a third/fourth hand opening bid can be forcing and unlimited.
My experiences of Lorenzo two's is not that great however, but they're exciting for sure
Posted 2015-March-06, 10:16
2♣: 4M + longer m weak
2♦: 5M + 5m weak (like Wilkosz)
2♥: Majors weak
2♠: Awful ♠ preempt
Posted 2015-March-06, 14:39
2♣ weak two in either minor
2♦ hearts and a minor
2♥ both majors
2♠ spades and a minor
2N both minors
I leave it up to you to decide how many cards per suit are required, 4/4, 5/4, promising 4M vs 5M, etc.