masonbarge, on 2015-February-13, 09:13, said:
I'm not sure it makes the difference, but this is matchpoints. Do you duck the heart now?
No, I still am trying to make my contract. If I duck, I will need a highly unlikely squeeze (West 1543) or West to do something very silly. (though based on the defense so far, West appears to love doing silly things) If I win, I will need East to hold queen third of diamonds, which doesn't seem inconceivable.
The opponents have obviously made a mistake. What mistake (or mistakes) have they made?
Well West shifted to a spade after 2 rounds of clubs which is atrocious, as I was probably booked for down 2.
Additionally, since I have shown 6 diamonds I don't have, West might be inclined to play me for 3163 distribution and keep diamonds instead of hearts when not 1543. That is a disaster on the actual layout. To avoid having to guess whether or not I have stranded the ace of hearts, West could continue a heart instead of playing the diamond queen after I duck the heart. This clarifies the heart position. Once declarer follows twice, West with 3 diamonds must play partner for a diamond guard.
Trick One: West leads the ♣10. ♣3 from N, ♣K from E, ♣7 by you.
Trick Two: E - ♣4. S - ♣9 as you duck again. W wins with the ♣Q.
Trick Three: W leads ♠9. How do you make this contract and justify your risky 3NT? I think the difficulty here is Advanced, or it might be Advanced+. Half the BBO "experts" would go wrong at the table.