4 bidding decisions in 1 hand
Posted 2015-January-28, 11:46
Express Free TCR 90 Automated Fun is the only indicator if the skill of the other players you have.
You are South with the following hand:
East opens 1♥. What do you bid first?
Now assume you passed there. The bidding becomes this:
1♥ P 2♥ X
P ?
Now what do you bid?
Now say you bid 3♣ there, and the bidding becomes
1♥ P 2♥ X
P 3♣ 3♥ P
P ?
Now what do you bid?
Now say that you went for 3♠ there. The bidding is now
1♥ P 2♥ X
P 3♣ 3♥ P
P 3♠ P P
4♥ ?
And now what do you bid?
P.S.: Feel free to post here even if you're not a novice/beginner. Some of these are probably kinda hard for a novice/beginner to figure out what is the best choice.
Posted 2015-January-28, 14:39
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2015-January-29, 00:21
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2015-January-29, 00:31
the hog, on 2015-January-28, 21:31, said:
Yes, we do play something in that direction (though certainly not that restrictive or preemptive). Typically 5-9 with 5-6 spades.
But novices/beginners don't.
And since bridge is a team game, where the strength of the weakest link determines the result, the expert player picks the bids that his novice/beginner partner will be comfortable with, rather than do what he would be doing when playing with himself (pun intended).
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the new discoveries, is not Eureka! (I found it!), but Thats funny Isaac Asimov
The only reason God did not put "Thou shalt mind thine own business" in the Ten Commandments was that He thought that it was too obvious to need stating. - Kenberg
Posted 2015-January-29, 02:04
1: double. This is not pretty with two diamonds and obviously pass is the "correct" call but I think double works in the long run.
2 I would bid 3S. it is important to realise that 3c is something you would bid with zero points so when you have a decent hand in response to partners double you have to show it. Sometimes it is better to bid the opponents suit instead of jumping on a four card suit but here you are unlikely to have five spades since you didn't ocercall in the first round. 3c or 2S is not crazy, though. Some partners double light after opps raise so if opps are known to be sound bidders, we are unlikely to have game.
3: yes 3S.
4: double.
Posted 2015-January-29, 05:23
helene_t, on 2015-January-29, 02:04, said:
1: double. This is not pretty with two diamonds and obviously pass is the "correct" call but I think double works in the long run.
2 I would bid 3S. it is important to realise that 3c is something you would bid with zero points so when you have a decent hand in response to partners double you have to show it. Sometimes it is better to bid the opponents suit instead of jumping on a four card suit but here you are unlikely to have five spades since you didn't ocercall in the first round. 3c or 2S is not crazy, though. Some partners double light after opps raise so if opps are known to be sound bidders, we are unlikely to have game.
3: yes 3S.
4: double.
"And I want to be able to bid a hand like this."
So do I so I bid 4S
I want to bid 3S on 6 0r 7 and not much else.
To Trinidad, you appear to have a very low opinion of those who pose questions on this section of the site, They have the ability to learn. Don't treat people like idiots.
Posted 2015-January-29, 05:40
2) This is tricky. 3S might hang partner for prebalancing on a 10-count 3244 or similar, but if partner can be trusted to have 4 spades then I agree 3S is correct. Otherwise 3C. I'm not expecting to make game here - opponents have bid 1H-2H and partner will want to prebalance fairly aggressively over that auction, even at red.
3) 3S
4) X (though maybe pass at teams)
Posted 2015-January-29, 06:18
I'd pass the first round as you did.
I'd be tempted to bid 4 Clubs on the next round, but I'd probably temper that and bid 3 Clubs instead, expecting the ops to bid an aggressive 3 Hearts based on vulnerability. In other words, I'd bid like you did.
I assume my partner will pass and the ops will raise on balance.
Next I'd bid the 4 Spades. Not 3. This is aggressive but it is too likely the auction will die at 3 Spades and we may have game.
Posted 2015-January-30, 11:45
AyunuS, on 2015-January-28, 11:46, said:
Express Free TCR 90 Automated Fun is the only indicator if the skill of the other players you have.
You are South with the following hand:
East opens 1♥. What do you bid first?
Now assume you passed there. The bidding becomes this:
1♥ P 2♥ X
P ?
Now what do you bid?
Now say you bid 3♣ there, and the bidding becomes
1♥ P 2♥ X
P 3♣ 3♥ P
P ?
Now what do you bid?
Now say that you went for 3♠ there. The bidding is now
1♥ P 2♥ X
P 3♣ 3♥ P
P 3♠ P P
4♥ ?
And now what do you bid?
P.S.: Feel free to post here even if you're not a novice/beginner. Some of these are probably kinda hard for a novice/beginner to figure out what is the best choice.
1-I would pass
2-I would bid 3♠ over take out double.
When pd make a T/O double of hearts, and you hold spades, your intention should be either of
- Bidding spades at the minimum level to discourage pd unless he has more tales to tell. You may even hold an awful hand.
- Bidding spades by a jump, to tell your pd that you are better than 2♠ bid but not have enough to bid game. It does not show 6-7 spades and a very weak hand, even for experts or WC players. I think Ron is confusing this with 1♥-X-pass-? auction, where you have enough space and luxury to make a simple response, a jump response and a double jump response (to show a long suit and a very weak hand, but not universally agreed) below the game.
- Bidding game in spades.
I would go with 2nd option and bid 3♠.
Imo your pd should not have doubled 2♥. He holds 3 hearts and that means his pd (us) has at most 2 hearts and expect his pd to balance if auction is about to die in 2♥ when it goes to him. But considering this is B/N forum, I have sympathy to your pd's action. He at least have a resemblance of his bid as oppose to some other partners Nuno keeps us busy with in more advanced forums.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2015-January-30, 15:23
But there I stop, unless partner says something further. If they bid again, I expect to set them.