Overcall or double?
Posted 2015-January-03, 12:20
Oct 2006: Mission impossible
Soon: Mission illegal
Posted 2015-January-03, 12:24
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2015-January-03, 12:32
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2015-January-03, 13:18
Posted 2015-January-03, 13:31
Double, followed by 4 hearts, gives your partner good information to judge your strength when a high level decision is needed.
Posted 2015-January-03, 13:39
jillybean, on 2015-January-03, 12:24, said:
while I agree with the double, my advice is that with xx AQxxx xxx xxx red v white, you should pass at all forms of scoring. You are asking for trouble, and not merely or even mainly at the 1-level. You have a partner who may feel it appropriate to bid his or her hand, and be disappointed when you don't hold one of your own.
Posted 2015-January-03, 17:09
If opener has a minimum -- say a 12 count -- there may 7 or 8 HCP out there between partner and responder. If the remaining points split evenly, partner might just have enough for game to be on. Then again, partner might be bust and you might have trouble making more than 8 tricks. Since you can't know what partner holds, you need to bring partner into the loop to decide how high to go.
If it comes back at something like 2 ♦, I'd be strongly inclined to bid 3 ♥ inviting partner to bid 4 with a perceived positive feature. An A, ♠ KJ or a pointed suit stiff with a trump fit would be enough.
Posted 2015-January-03, 19:29
Posted 2015-January-03, 20:05
Posted 2015-January-04, 04:14
after 1♥ normally it will go on like this:
1♦ - 1♥ - pass - pass - pass
congrats, in this case you lost at least full game.
Posted 2015-January-04, 06:38
This was at the local club pairs evening. On the previous board West had berated his partner for underbidding. Perhaps East's exceptionally light opening bid of 1♦had something to do with this. 4♠ was made giving us a bottom.
I am chastened by the poll results because I overcalled 4♥ intending it to shut out west.

Had I doubled I don't think we would have fared any better. Bidding probably would go:
1♦-(x)-1♠-p-(2♠)-4♥-(4♠) -all pass? If we by any chance bid 5♥ we almost certainly go for 500.
btw My partner didnt like my 4H bid either
Oct 2006: Mission impossible
Soon: Mission illegal
Posted 2015-January-04, 07:12
Posted 2015-January-04, 08:38
Posted 2015-January-04, 12:46

Practical approach: direct 4♥ + dbl if opps butt-in.
Posted 2015-January-04, 14:57
Posted 2015-January-04, 15:39
I am not worried about missing slam. Even less so when we find out it's matchpoints. (If you want to give partner every point in the deck, then you have to allow me to give opener a full opening bid.)
I am not all that proud of my 5 loser hand, despite 20 HCPs.
To me, this is last guess territory. So I say 4Hs. btw -- this is not a defensively oriented hand at all. 1 trick in ♥ (maybe) and 1 in ♣ so I am not doubling to show extra defense or anything like that.
Posted 2015-January-04, 17:21
K1W1, on 2015-January-04, 14:57, said:
Right. But what good will that do to him? He's broke, so will pass a direct or delayed 4♥ 98% of the time. And the other 2% he'll huddle and pass anyway

Anyway, just kidding. Dbl + bid signals defensive values. Bid + dbl signals a more offensive hand.
Posted 2015-January-05, 00:31
Wackojack, on 2015-January-04, 06:38, said:
But As WackoJack implies, this deal illustrates why a direct 4♥ is often the most effective call on such hands. After a 1♥ overcall, opponents would easily find their ♠ fit. Wackojack's more practical 4♥ overcall failed to win the auction only because LHO took a brave view.
1♦-(x)-1♠-p-(2♠)-4♥-(4♠) -all pass? If we by any chance bid 5♥ we almost certainly go for 500. btw My partner didnt like my 4H bid either