Telling a lie with my second bid
Posted 2015-January-26, 17:59
Rebidding in a higher ranking suit is indeed a reverse, showing 16+ (you shouldn't open at the 2 level just because you have 20 points, even if you are playing strongg 2s). Reversing opposite a 1 level response is forcing. Reversing opposite a 2 level response is forcing to game.
Posted 2015-January-26, 19:38
akwoo, on 2015-January-26, 12:41, said:
This is a serious problem for someone who is experienced. It means their bridge intelligence is seriously lacking. You should get a new partner as soon as possible.
It may not be their bridge intelligence. A very prominent London teacher teaches beginners to reverse without extra values, or so I have heard. Presumably the idea is that after one too many times getting too high on a partscore the students will work out the principle on their own. With a little luck your partner may change his thinking after a few disasters.
Posted 2015-January-26, 20:49
Vampyr, on 2015-January-26, 19:38, said:
For someone who is experienced, it means their bridge intelligence is lacking.
I would not say the same thing for someone who is not experienced.
Posted 2015-January-27, 00:45
Posted 2015-January-27, 01:29
Posted 2015-January-27, 10:21
Mbodell, on 2015-January-27, 01:29, said:
A number of other systems? It is a style if 2/1 is GF, but it is unlikely for 2/1GF to be the first system a player in an Acol-playing country learns.
Posted 2015-January-27, 10:29
Posted 2015-January-27, 15:14
helene_t, on 2015-January-27, 10:29, said:
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. mstr-mnding) tr. v. - Any bid made by bridge player with which partner disagrees.
"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2015-February-18, 06:26
keithhus, on 2015-January-26, 07:32, said:
I am a beginner and was taught similarly - I.e. To bid a higher suit next time round would mean 16 points. However, my current partner (more experienced), tells me to bid up the line and to jump if I have 16 points. I am doing as I am told but feel we are going too high with this approach . Comments would be appreciated.
Hi keith, I am not sure if you mean the immediate response (1♥ - 3♦) should be a jump with 16 or Opener's rebid (1♥ - 1♠; 3♦). I suspect the latter auction as this is quite often played as 16+ in certain circles, mainly because they do not understand how to cope with the 2♦ rebid being wide-ranging. I have played this way myself in the past as a compromise. You are right that it is not ideal though.
The basic theoretical point is that you have 3 hand types you want to describe (weak, extras, GF) but only 2 rebids (simple, jump). Thus it makes sense to use the cheaper call to show 2 hand types and the higher one to show the remaining type. With the wide-ranging rebid though, you do need to understand where the brakes in the system are and how you can show the hand with extras in the later auction. When you start playing with better partners they will be able to show you these things - or you can just ask us here on BBF. In the meantime, stick with what your partner says when playing together as a bad agreement is still better than none at all. Just be aware that this will likely change later on.