Could someone explain this phenomenon?
Posted 2014-December-10, 22:53
I have a young gentleman in my school (16 years old for more context) who has drawings of male genitalia on every page of his planner. He claims that a "friend" steals it, draws on it, and miraculously puts it back in his backpack, all without his knowledge. He's a terrible liar by the way.
What I want to know is what motivates the drawing of male genitalia on whatever he gets his hands on (or whatever "his friend" gets his hands on). There have been other young men who have the propensity to doodle male genitalia, but I have yet to see a female draw genitalia (of either gender) on school material.
So why do boys do this? Or perhaps, why do girls don't? This kid won't explain it to me (not that I really expected that he would).
Posted 2014-December-10, 23:54
Posted 2014-December-10, 23:56
Posted 2014-December-11, 02:36
Perhaps he drawed them and wanted to test your reaction.
Posted 2014-December-11, 03:47
Posted 2014-December-11, 06:54
Finding your own mistakes is more productive than looking for partner's. It improves your game and is good for your soul. (Nige1)
Posted 2014-December-11, 07:32
diana_eva, on 2014-December-10, 23:56, said:
When I was at school the thing to do was stack w, x,(Y) on top of each other to produce a stylised line drawing of a naked woman's body. But perhaps that was just maths geeks.
London UK
Posted 2014-December-11, 07:58
(Note that the URL takes you to a page full of (What I think are) quite amusing hand drawn pictures of penises)
Posted 2014-December-11, 08:09
Posted 2014-December-11, 08:15
Elianna, on 2014-December-10, 22:53, said:
Girls draw lots of hearts and flowers, I suspect. You wouldn't catch a boy dotting his i's with hearts, he'd be teased mercilessly by the other kids.
I don't think the boy understands what motivates him, so he couldn't explain it even if he wanted to. It's like when you learn to swear, you find reasons to do it as much as you can get away with.
If you want to know how teenage boys think, watch a little Beevis and Butthead. They're caricatures, of course, but not that far off.
Posted 2014-December-11, 09:26
Elianna, on 2014-December-10, 22:53, said:
I have a young gentleman in my school (16 years old for more context) who has drawings of male genitalia on every page of his planner. He claims that a "friend" steals it, draws on it, and miraculously puts it back in his backpack, all without his knowledge. He's a terrible liar by the way.
What I want to know is what motivates the drawing of male genitalia on whatever he gets his hands on (or whatever "his friend" gets his hands on). There have been other young men who have the propensity to doodle male genitalia, but I have yet to see a female draw genitalia (of either gender) on school material.
So why do boys do this? Or perhaps, why do girls don't? This kid won't explain it to me (not that I really expected that he would).
First, I never did it.So I cannot explain it, at least not exactly. But if I understand correctly, this planner that he doodles on is something that he can be certain that you will see. If so, surely it is done to intentionally insult you ar challenge you. And that I can recall from my adolescence very well.
Example, although I was, I think, 14. In English class we were given a study time. No lecture, just a quiet time to work on whatever assignment we were to be doing. So I pulled my Classic Comic book out to read and take notes on. The teacher shouted at me "Kenneth, what are you doing?". I replied that I was working on my book report. Of course I knew that it wasn't acceptable to write a book report on the Classic Comics version. It was my passive aggressive way of saying "Hey, teacher, you don'tt hink anyone actually reads this crap, do you? This is how we all do our book reports."
Example: We were taking an exam. My friend Bob, from the other side of the room, shouted "Hey Ken, what's the answer to question 3?". I shouted back the answer. The teacher said "Boys, you can't do this!" But obviously she was wrong, because we did it and no punishment was given.
not pretty, I know. This behavior, or at least this psychology, has an upside. This is the same period of my life when I took a hard look at religion and set it aside. It is the time when was choosing science and mathematics, much at odds with the choices of the immediate neighborhood of my childhood. You don't change the trajectory of your life by doing what people tell you. Adults tell adolescent males a lot of things. Most of it is crap, and it has to be sorted out.
So I cannot explain the genitalia, that wasn't my thing. But I think it is aggressive. Possibly you could get him to channel this aggression more productively, but I wouldn't bet on it. If you keep in mind that the reason Bob and I shouted questions and answers back and forth during an exam is that it pissed the teacher off and she had no idea of what to do about it, you will be, I think, on the right track.
Girls have their ways of being aggressive as well, they just do it differently. I recall Sandy grabbing my notebook and stuffing it under her skirt between her thighs. I was, like the teacher above, at a loss as to how to deal with this.
Added: In what might be irony, the Classics Comic I was reading was, If I recall correctly, Don Quixote.
Posted 2014-December-11, 10:13
kenberg, on 2014-December-11, 09:26, said:
I don't recall any of the guys in my middle-school classes doing genitalia drawings, but we certainly misbehaved terribly in middle school. I recall being kicked out of the building, having to walk home with a document for my folks to read about my behavior, and not being allowed to return until my parents brought me back to school for a conference with the principal. (The reaction of my parents to this was extremely unpleasant for me.)
And, yes, the girls handled it differently. A girl in my class, Carolyn, took my pen and put it down her shirt and dared me to take it back. I didn't dare, but I did turn as red as a beet.
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell
Posted 2014-December-11, 12:29
gordontd, on 2014-December-11, 07:32, said:
Out of curiosity I took a look at my 12 yo boy's textbooks. These are books given by the school at the beginning of the year, and kids use them, then give them back at the end of the year. Most of these books have been passed from generation to generation and have quite a few funny "signatures" from their previous owners. So I wanted to see the penis-to-other-provocative-stuff ratio. I was disappointed to find only two penis drawings, and pleasantly surprised to find a lot of internet memes perfectly applied to physics, maths, history and literature. Times change. While I was in school it was mostly penis. Now it's much more entertaining

And ofc they all knew the teachers will see the books. And they all have the perfect excuse "It wasn't me! The kid who owned this before me did it!"
Posted 2014-December-25, 06:16
Fluffy, on 2014-December-25, 06:04, said:
When I click this I just get a page saying "not safe for work". So apparently it is one of those pictures which I should only load after having made sure the boss is not lurking.