Jump Cuebid
Posted 2014-December-17, 06:44
Posted 2014-December-17, 06:47
The obvious reason is that your RHO rates to have a balanced hand and by not bidding you are allowing your opponents to conduct an unimpeded constructive auction. They will find their fit in one or both majors at a low level.
Posted 2014-December-17, 08:38
Also it has nothing to do with Standard American or 2/1. The opponents have opened, so your system is all off except where you've agreed otherwise. More relevant than what you play is what they play - if they were playing 4cm and a strong NT, 3♣ preemptive seems pretty bent. If they're playing strong NT and 1♣ as any balanced, it seems like a pretty sensible choice. Anywhere in the middle is partnership agreement or, without discussion, partnership prayer.
Posted 2014-December-17, 09:23
Jinksy, on 2014-December-17, 08:38, said:
Also it has nothing to do with Standard American or 2/1. The opponents have opened, so your system is all off except where you've agreed otherwise. More relevant than what you play is what they play - if they were playing 4cm and a strong NT, 3♣ preemptive seems pretty bent. If they're playing strong NT and 1♣ as any balanced, it seems like a pretty sensible choice. Anywhere in the middle is partnership agreement or, without discussion, partnership prayer.
I have played this game a little more recently than 40 years ago. In my opinion, it is still standard to use 3 of a minor over an opponent's 1 of a minor opening as preemptive and natural. Any other treatment would be by agreement.
I would go as far to say that I would be VERY surprised to find out that standard expert treatment would be to use the "jump cue bid" of 3 of a minor in direct seat as anything other than natural and preemptive.
Posted 2014-December-17, 10:15
(1m) 3m = pree
(1M) 3M = ask stop w/ long running minor
This is very different from
(1m) pass (pass) 3m
where with a pree in m you just pass it out

Posted 2014-December-17, 10:43
Having dabbled at the game, half-off half-on since the sixties, I remember self or partner asking for a stop this way perhaps once a year.
Of the times the opponents have done it (slightly more frequently), a couple club players and a couple pairs whom I don't know have actually thought it was a natural preempt.
I have only seen experienced pairs use it as a stopper ask or something conventional and entirely different from those two choices. Perhaps my observations are not everyone's, because it just doesn't come up very much.
It was fun when one of the two club opponents thought differently from his partner.
Posted 2014-December-17, 11:12
ArtK78, on 2014-December-17, 09:23, said:
I very much dislike conflating 'standard' and 'standard expert treatment'. In this country, you'll find 2♦ as a Benji bid is possibly the closest thing we have to a standard bid of 2♦, and 2N in response to partner's 1N very much has a standard meaning (esp without discussion) of 'inviting 3N'. But I doubt you'll find any top pairs playing the former, and very few playing the latter.
'Standard expert treatment' is irrelevant to this thread. The OP's partner's assertion was effectively 'so many regular players play it my way that you made a mistake by not understanding it that way'.
The honest/humbler response is to recognise that with so many different systems around, and no easily accessible authoritative respository of bids labelled as 'standard', there's no such thing - and therefore that each time P make a misinterpretable bid, he's taking a risk that you're on the same wavelength. That might be a deliberate calculated risk if he's aware of different interpretations and either expects you to share his or thinks he'll be able to scramble something sensible if you don't, or an accidental risk if he didn't even realise you might take it differently (as in the OP).
In neither case is it helpful for you (or anyone else) to assert any standard. You can most helpfully tell him how you understood it, clarify with him what it will mean if it comes up again, and perhaps tell him that in your experience, most people play it your way without discussion, so he can update his future priors. The whole concept of 'standard' seems like a cheap way to seek a moral highground when partnership understanding has come off the rails.
Posted 2014-December-17, 11:37
Jinksy, on 2014-December-17, 11:12, said:
How true - except, of course, that MY understanding is indeed "standard"....
My partner finds it just as annoying when I try to present something as "standard" in the context of what our future agreement should be, let alone our implicit current agreement.
Posted 2014-December-17, 11:55
opening the suit, even if it doesn't promise more than 3 or whatever, makes the suit more likely to split badly, so overcalling 3m on a normal pre-empt is a mugs' game.
Posted 2014-December-17, 12:42
Jinksy, on 2014-December-17, 11:12, said:
'Standard expert treatment' is irrelevant to this thread. The OP's partner's assertion was effectively 'so many regular players play it my way that you made a mistake by not understanding it that way'.
The honest/humbler response is to recognise that with so many different systems around, and no easily accessible authoritative respository of bids labelled as 'standard', there's no such thing - and therefore that each time P make a misinterpretable bid, he's taking a risk that you're on the same wavelength. That might be a deliberate calculated risk if he's aware of different interpretations and either expects you to share his or thinks he'll be able to scramble something sensible if you don't, or an accidental risk if he didn't even realise you might take it differently (as in the OP).
In neither case is it helpful for you (or anyone else) to assert any standard. You can most helpfully tell him how you understood it, clarify with him what it will mean if it comes up again, and perhaps tell him that in your experience, most people play it your way without discussion, so he can update his future priors. The whole concept of 'standard' seems like a cheap way to seek a moral highground when partnership understanding has come off the rails.
OK. Let's phrase it another way.
I would be willing to venture that, without discussion, at least 2/3 (perhaps 3/4) of regular tournament players in North America would consider an overcall in direct seat of 3 of opener's 1 of a minor to be natural and preemptive.
There. I didn't use the word "standard" once in that sentence.
wank, on 2014-December-17, 11:55, said:
opening the suit, even if it doesn't promise more than 3 or whatever, makes the suit more likely to split badly, so overcalling 3m on a normal pre-empt is a mugs' game.
I never said that bidding 3 of opener's minor showed a "normal" preempt, whatever that is. I just said it was natural and preemptive. I would be willing to bet that no one would consider KQTxxx of clubs and out a 3♣ overcall of RHO's 1♣ opening, but some might open 3♣ at favorable vulnerability.
As for playing a "jump cue-bid" in a minor as strong, I note that this treatment does exist - I found references to it on the internet. I have never seen it or heard of it prior to googling "jump cue-bid" earlier this morning.There are also references to using the jump cue-bid of any opening bid as a stopper ask. In the case of a minor suit, I would not spring this on a partner without prior discussion.
Posted 2014-December-17, 12:47
Posted 2014-December-17, 13:52
aguahombre, on 2014-December-17, 12:47, said:
In common bridge terminology, a preemptive bid denotes a long suit and a weak hand. Strength showing bids are typically not referred to as preemptive even if made by a jump bid.
You may note that I referred to the bid of 3m in direct seat over the opponents bid of 1m as "natural" and "preemptive," meaning, as those terms are commonly used in bridge terminology, a long suit holding in "m" and a weak hand.
Posted 2014-December-17, 13:54
ArtK78, on 2014-December-17, 12:42, said:
There. I didn't use the word "standard" once in that sentence.
True, but the words 'in North America' were equally unhelpful. OP never mentioned their location (and we still don't know what the opps' system was).
I also don't know what value the subset of regular tournament players has. They're still a hefty minority. At least appealing to experts gives you some inkling of what the optimal system might be. Tournament players come with too much random noise to provide much evidence for anything.
Posted 2014-December-17, 14:01
Jinksy, on 2014-December-17, 13:54, said:
OP referred to "standard american" and "2/1" in OP's post, so I am going to assume that OP was playing one or the other. OP certainly did not say that they were NOT playing standard american or 2/1.
And, since North America is the home of "standard american" and "2/1" bidding, I am using North America as my basis for asserting the common use of the jump to 3 of the opponent's opening minor suit bid. If you want to compare it to the common treatment of this type of bid in some other location, feel free. But I don't believe you will be responding to the OP.
Posted 2014-December-17, 14:19
Posted 2014-December-17, 16:11
- solid suit + no stopper in club suit + other suits covered,comes very rare
- when it comes, I wanna play 3 NT regardless of we have stopper in club suit or not, if everything else is fine. After 1♣-3♦-p-3NT opener is in dark about what to lead. They often don't have enough tricks in club suit to defeat. When they do have it is hard to lead them, unless you are drawing their attention to this suit via stopper asking bid. It escapes me by a mile why would anyone think it is important to have a club stopper when we have a decent shot at 3 NT, especially at imps. The chances of making 3 NT will be higher than the average games we routinely bid everyday.
- Art already mentioned the the reasons for why it is good to preempt with natural suit.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-December-17, 17:06
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2014-December-17, 18:46
Posted 2014-December-17, 19:38
Posted 2014-December-17, 20:39
My earlier reply was merely what I have observed -- not an opinion of good or bad about methods.