What is your rebid if partner responds 1♥ to your 1♣ opening?
How to handle strong minor 1-suiter Is 2/1 ready for this?
Posted 2014-December-10, 11:26
What is your rebid if partner responds 1♥ to your 1♣ opening?
♠♥♠ BAD bidding may be succesful due to excellent play, but not vice versa. ♦♣♦
Teaching in the BIL TUE 8:00am CET.
Lessons available. For INFO look here: Play bridge with Al
Posted 2014-December-10, 11:47
welcome to the BWHoD
Posted 2014-December-10, 12:23
No-brainer to me, but I'm sure there will be a lot of people disagreeing

Posted 2014-December-10, 20:13
Posted 2014-December-10, 20:58
Posted 2014-December-10, 21:48
Posted 2014-December-11, 03:58
If that doesn't happen I guess I just have to take the risk
Posted 2014-December-11, 04:10
With an appropriate structure I think I would open 2♣ but playing the normal omnibus 2♣ I open 1♣ and rebid 2♦. Playing with a partner who responds strictly up the line I think I prefer a 4♣ rebid, though.
Posted 2014-December-11, 04:53
Posted 2014-December-11, 05:02
Posted 2014-December-11, 07:48
44577, on 2014-December-11, 05:28, said:
oh dear. 3H/3C/4H would be terrible. 3NT is better, i.e. only poor and lazy.
if you do a Walter the Walrus and open this at the 1-level, you unsurprisingly leave yourself without a good rebid. Still you have to make the best of a bad job, which is obviously 2 diamonds. 1C-1H-3NT is a sequence for people whose idea of a partnership is a DVD, a dark room and a box of tissues.
Posted 2014-December-11, 09:00
Posted 2014-December-11, 09:28
To force and find out what further partner can tell me, and confident can always rebid clubs.
My answer might be different with a Robot partner.
Posted 2014-December-11, 09:50
This is known as the Bridge World death hand and been discussed forever.

typical problem hand without gadgets which I don't have
don't like 2c here.
"The Bridge World magazine has
a feature called the Master Solvers'
Club. Problems similar to this one
have appeared there, and a hand
that falls in that genre is referred to
as the Bridge World Death Hand."
expect a typical pard to bypass d and bid 1h with:

Posted 2014-December-11, 10:10
Posted 2014-December-11, 10:46
Having opened 1♣ and gotten a 1♥ response I am forced to make some least of evils choice:
Some people have a gadget for this hand. I have seen 3♦ mentioned but have no details as to follow-ups.
Failing that I rebid 2♠ and hope to survive. I don't like jump-shifting in non-suits which is why I chose to open 2♣.
Posted 2014-December-11, 14:34
wank, on 2014-December-11, 07:48, said:
if you do a Walter the Walrus and open this at the 1-level, you unsurprisingly leave yourself without a good rebid. Still you have to make the best of a bad job, which is obviously 2 diamonds. 1C-1H-3NT is a sequence for people whose idea of a partnership is a DVD, a dark room and a box of tissues.
But most don't come out and say it. I think you're very brave.
Playing 2/1.
What is your opening?