Gazzilli or BART Best use of opener's 2C rebid after 1S-1N
Posted 2014-December-08, 07:08
If you're generally not going to open 1N with your 5-3-3-2 hands in your NT range, what's the best use of 1S-1N-2C? Do you play some sort of 2C-2D gadget or do you play Gazzilli?
Supplementary question. Partner and I play and like 1H-1S as 0-4 spades or 5+ spades and a GF, and 1NT to be 5+ spades invitational or less (as you can then happily pass 1NT on a bunch of junk). What do you do with 2N playing Gazzili after 1H-1S-?? then.
Posted 2014-December-08, 09:16
Cthulhu D, on 2014-December-08, 07:08, said:
If you're generally not going to open 1N with your 5-3-3-2 hands in your NT range, what's the best use of 1S-1N-2C? Do you play some sort of 2C-2D gadget or do you play Gazzilli?
Supplementary question. Partner and I play and like 1H-1S as 0-4 spades or 5+ spades and a GF, and 1NT to be 5+ spades invitational or less (as you can then happily pass 1NT on a bunch of junk). What do you do with 2N playing Gazzili after 1H-1S-?? then.
I would play Gazzilli. I do not like this style (excluding 5M332 from the 1NT opening), but if playing it that way I think Gazzilli helps a bunch. You could have arguments against Gazzilli, but if 1M can be 5M332 with a strong NT and you play 2/1 GF, you need a way to show the strong NT so Gazzilli becomes almost essential?
In your case, perhaps you could try (I guess you do not play Flannery):
1N = Unbalanced, 4+ diamonds or 4(+) spades.
2C = Gazzilli (natural, 14-16 bal or 16+ unbal)
2D = 11-13 bal.
2H = 6+ hearts. Limited.
2S = Reverse?
2N = 18--19
3CD = 5-5, 13-15
3H = 7-card suit, 13-15
You need some way to show 4+ spades, and the above might be a solution (bidding 1NT as an unbalanced catch-all). After 1N you could use 2C as a relay/checkback:
1H-1S; 1N-2C;
2D = Diamonds (now 2H is non-forcing)
2H = Spades (now 2S is non-forcing)
Perhaps the other bids could have different meanings:
1H-1S; 1N---
2C = Relay, weak or GF
2D = INV with 2+ hearts (transfer)
2H = INV with 4 spades (transfer)
Higher = GF with 5+ spades
Posted 2014-December-08, 10:29
Posted 2014-December-08, 17:40
Kungsgeten, on 2014-December-08, 09:16, said:
P's style is a bit more nuanced. So:
5332 with 5H always opens 1N, the risk of a 1S overcall and the cramped rebids outweighs the desire to show your major.
5332 with 5S generally opens 1S unless the major is poor (e.g. QTxxx or less)
5422 typically opens 1M.
My style is roughly:
5332 opens 1N
5422 sometimes opens 1N, so 1M-1N-2m is either unbalanced or with values packed into the two suits.
So I don't need to cater for 1H openers being 14-16 balanced. So prior to your post I was thinking something like
1S: 0-4 or 5+ GF
1N: Inv(-) with 5+
Other stuff normal
Then 1H-1S:
and 1H-1N
Whereas after 1S-1N
However, I am rethinking some of that. We do not play Flannery no.
In your case, perhaps you could try (I guess you do not play Flannery):
1N = Unbalanced, 4+ diamonds or 4(+) spades.
2C = Gazzilli (natural, 14-16 bal or 16+ unbal)
2D = 11-13 bal.
2H = 6+ hearts. Limited.
2S = Reverse?
2N = 18--19
3CD = 5-5, 13-15
3H = 7-card suit, 13-15
This is pretty clever, though I don't like driving past 1N with the weak NT as that often rates to be the best place to play. That said, I think you are often going to be able to pass as responder if it's a potential misfit.
1H-1S; 1N-2C;
2D = Diamonds (now 2H is non-forcing)
2H = Spades (now 2S is non-forcing)
Perhaps the other bids could have different meanings:
1H-1S; 1N---
2C = Relay, weak or GF
2D = INV with 2+ hearts (transfer)
2H = INV with 4 spades (transfer)
Higher = GF with 5+ spades
This makes sense, the 2C as checkback is a good idea.
Posted 2014-December-09, 05:46
2♣ = natural or balanced or a good 2♠ rebid (circa 15-16)
2♦♥♠NT = natural
3♣ = GF with hearts
3♦ = nat GF
3♥ = GF with clubs
After 1♠-1NT-2♣:
2♦ = 9+ relay
2♥♠ = weak
2NT = misfit, circa 9 points with a death shape - eg 1453
3♣ = nat 6 cards with about 8-9 points
3♦ = nat weak
3♥ = 5♥4♣ inv
After 1♠-1NT-2♣-2♦:
2♥ = 11-14 bal (this enables responder to pass with 9-10 points with 5 hearts, sign off in 2♠, or make an inv bid in any strain)
2♠ = 11-14 5♠ 4+♣
2NT = 15+ balanced or 5134 or 5224
3♣ = 55 15+
3♦ = 6♠ 15-16
3♥ = 5314
3♠ = 6♠4♣
After 1♥-1♠(FNT) and 1♥-1NT(5♠) I play pretty similar continuations to you, and the step 1 relay works in just the same way. I will try and post later.
Posted 2014-December-09, 07:17
PhilKing, on 2014-December-09, 05:46, said:
Certainly there are situations where naturalish followups do not work well. A good Gazzilli system probably requires quite a bit of artificial followup bidding.
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2014-December-09, 07:25
PhilKing, on 2014-December-09, 05:46, said:
3♣ = GF with hearts
This is presumably so you can handle both 5-5 and 6-4? Would you mind sharing the followups?
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2014-December-09, 08:42
In a couple of places you can show the same hand directly or via the 2C gadget. E.g.
You have both 1S-1N-2N v 1S1N-2C-2D-2N to show a balanced hand. If the direct bid is basically GF are the relay bids 15-17 HCP?
Posted 2014-December-09, 10:54
When I played Kaplan inversion (1NT showing 5+♠) in the past, we combined it with Gazzilli without any issues as well.
Posted 2014-December-09, 11:00
Cthulhu D, on 2014-December-09, 08:42, said:
In a couple of places you can show the same hand directly or via the 2C gadget. E.g.
You have both 1S-1N-2N v 1S1N-2C-2D-2N to show a balanced hand. If the direct bid is basically GF are the relay bids 15-17 HCP?
2♣ is NF in my structure, so the direct 2NT is 18-19 and the delayed is 15-17 bal or 15+ with clubs.
Posted 2014-December-11, 10:54
it is pretty straight forward and helps on a lot of hands.
2d-says you have 1 of a few hand types, most common is 5h (others include inv hands in either minor, and really good hands with 2 card spade support.)
2h=6h less than inv.
2s= 3 card support and less than constructive or 2 card support and 9 highs at most
2nt=12-13 ish(lite openers) inv.
3c=5+c, less than inv, blocking bid
3d=6+ less than inv
3h=6+ inv
3s=3 card support, inv.
various replies after:
Posted 2014-December-25, 06:47
Posted 2014-December-27, 03:12
snillrik13, on 2014-December-25, 06:47, said:
You mean 1NT-2♣ is always strong? Because Gazzilli is 2-way...

Posted 2014-December-31, 11:05
snillrik13, on 2014-December-31, 08:09, said:
So you want to play modified Riton.

-- Bertrand Russell