both sides strong and 5
raise or pass
Posted 2014-November-17, 18:35
both sides strong and 5
Posted 2014-November-17, 18:41
Posted 2014-November-17, 19:03
Posted 2014-November-17, 19:21
Nothing is perfect, but trying to describe my hand seems the best route to take.
Posted 2014-November-17, 22:24
Posted 2014-November-17, 23:05
Posted 2014-November-17, 23:05
Posted 2014-November-18, 00:04
TylerE, on 2014-November-17, 23:05, said:
how does 4♥ map the opening lead?
I think 4♥ is pretty clear...this bad hand has become a lot better now. But I am not sure that if I had only one call available it would be slam. Fortunately, I don't have to commit....4♥ is almost perfect.
Posted 2014-November-18, 01:30
I might have bid 6 if pard had reopened 5♣.
Posted 2014-November-18, 06:14
Posted 2014-November-20, 13:29

Posted 2014-November-20, 15:45
eagles123, on 2014-November-20, 13:29, said:

perhaps you are the one who should not be amused
Posted 2014-November-20, 19:39
TylerE, on 2014-November-17, 23:05, said:
No merit, lets ask PD's opinion with 4♥. I'm torn between 4♥ and 5♣ but like 4♥ somewhat better as our hand has grown up.
Posted 2014-November-20, 23:26
Although I did mark 5♣. I am not going to unilaterally bid slam with zero controls.
If 5♣ went down, btw, it is not your fault.
Posted 2014-November-23, 05:13
Posted 2014-November-23, 10:42
eagles123, on 2014-November-23, 05:13, said:
We can argue whether this hand should start with 1 NT overcall or start dbl planning to show stronger balanced hand with stopper than 1 NT overcall. But I highly doubt starting double and planning to bid clubs, especially at high level in the auction, would be the choice of decent players. 5332 hand is the last thing to expect from pd for these calls he made at the table to be honest.
I have sympathy though, perhaps he thought his hand was too good for 1 NT overcall so he started dbl and then later after unexpected 3♥ he naively thought you would let him play 4♣ when he predicted the club fit+stiff heart in our hand from the auction.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."