2♦ waiting , 3♦ positive with ♦'s, and please explain your reasoning and the plan for the rest of the auction.
show or tell?
Posted 2014-November-16, 12:00
2♦ waiting , 3♦ positive with ♦'s, and please explain your reasoning and the plan for the rest of the auction.
Posted 2014-November-16, 12:28
jillybean, on 2014-November-16, 12:00, said:
2♦ waiting , 3♦ positive with ♦'s, and please explain your reasoning and the plan for the rest of the auction.
I usually see positive responses to 2♣ as interfering with pd's 2♣. I saw that terminology in BW or BBF not sure which but I like it. However, on this one I would start 3♦. Because it is extremely likely that we will either end up in ♦ or NT contract at 6-7 level and we have enough meat to waste the 2 level vs a 2♣ opener. Pd, if knows that we try to avoid positive responses unless we have reasons to, will have better understanding in subsequent auction.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2014-November-16, 12:58
Posted 2014-November-16, 13:27
Since we play very disciplined responses over 2 ♣ (with 2 ♦ waiting), this hand would qualify for a positive 3 ♦ response. In our methods, a 3 ♦ response would convey the following information -- 5+ ♦, 2 of 3 top ♦ honors, and 2 +QTs.
The alternative would be to simply use the 2 ♦ waiting response, then rebid ♦, if possible, over partner's rebid to show a forward going ♦ feature. (Cheapest suit rebid would be negative, 2 NT rebid forward going but otherwise undefined values.)
While 3 ♦ might seem pretty clear, 2 ♦ waiting gets out of opener's way and let's them tell the story about their hand. For instance, if over 2 ♦ opener rebids in NT or a rounded suit, responder will get pretty excited about slam prospects. Also, the 2 ♦ waiting bid keeps the bidding lower and may allow the partnership bidding space to sort out the hand especially in the case of a misfit. OTOH, not bidding 3 ♦ may prevent opener from ever visualizing that responder's ♦ and/or hand are as good as they are.
It's a tough choice, especially since a ♠ rebid by opener seems likely. My gut feel is that I'd bid 3 ♦ as the hand and ♦ suit are just too good to do otherwise.
Posted 2014-November-16, 17:19
Over 3♦ partner will bid 4♦.
If you now choose the exclusion route, partner shows 2
I like the line about 'positive responses interfering with partners 2♣ auction" , Timo
Posted 2014-November-16, 17:41
I mean having a real positive response to 2c is pretty rare so lets use it when we got a clear and convincing one.
will rebid 4d over 3s by pard.
wow again if pard bids 4d and over 5s exclusion shows 2 I will try 7d.
Posted 2014-November-16, 17:57
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-November-16, 21:41
If 2♦ denied a positive suit response (which I would never agree to play) then 3♦ is forced.
Posted 2014-November-17, 00:26
mikeh, on 2014-November-16, 21:41, said:
It looks like a 1-suiter to me ... does a positive deny honours outside the suit in your methods?
I think I would bid 2♦ followed by 3♦ on a 1-suited hand without the top strength in the suit, on a 2-suited hand with primarily diamonds, or with a strong suit that isn't long enough to bid immediately. This is already a lot of things to sort out. Making a positive response with this hand at least takes hands like this out of the 2♦ response.
I understand that we don't need to describe at all - if partner rebids clubs or hearts we can chose to raise instead. What should we do after a 2♥ (Kokish) rebid?
Posted 2014-November-17, 00:46
helene_t, on 2014-November-17, 00:26, said:
I think I would bid 2♦ followed by 3♦ on a 1-suited hand without the top strength in the suit, on a 2-suited hand with primarily diamonds, or with a strong suit that isn't long enough to bid immediately. This is already a lot of things to sort out. Making a positive response with this hand at least takes hands like this out of the 2♦ response.
I understand that we don't need to describe at all - if partner rebids clubs or hearts we can chose to raise instead. What should we do after a 2♥ (Kokish) rebid?
No...but to me this is a complex hand, because we have wonderful support for hearts and clubs and a better diamond suit than he will play us for if we try to describe our hand.
I said methods count. If I played a method in which my 3♦ bid on my second round denied a good suit, obviously I would respond 3♦ initially. I happen to think that such a method, tho very standard, is inferior, but I don't expect to convince anyone To me, a 2♣ opening is either strong balanced (and I suspect no expert would have a problem then after responding 2♦, lol) or one suited or, if 2 or 3 suited, extremely strong. I don't expect a problem if he is very strong, regardless of how I start. However, if he has a 1-suiter, or a balanced hand, the auction will usually time out better if I let him describe his hand to me, rather than me try to describe this unusual hand to him.
Over a kokish 2♥ I would of course bid 2♠
Indeed, 2♥ would be wonderful. If he now bid 2N, I would invoke whatever method this partnership has for showing a diamond slam-try (tho there is no 'try' about it here), and if he bids to show hearts, how the auction proceeds isn't clear because I don't know the methods in use, but I would hope to be able to agree hearts at the 3-level and later go nuts. Admittedly, this is a rare case on which, if he has hearts, I'd regret we played kokish, since over a natural 2♥ I would use exclusion right now.
Posted 2014-November-17, 14:18
I have diamonds, I have a pos. hand, I tell p this.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2014-November-17, 14:31
Posted 2014-November-17, 15:32
neilkaz, on 2014-November-17, 14:31, said:
xxx xx AQJxx Qxx
I would respond 3♦
Basically, if I have a slam force hand, as we do here, with playability in 3 suits, I tend to wait. If I have a simple hand, that can be fairly well described by pre-empting our own constructive auction, then I will make the positive suit response, since I expect partner to be able to evaluate reasonably well.
Equally, I would bid 2♦ if I held, say, xx x AQxxx Qxxxx, since bidding 3♦ may make finding clubs difficult, while if partner shows a strong notrump, I can show both minors, with slam interest, and still stop in 4N or 5m, with confidence.
Posted 2014-November-17, 16:29
The reason being that the openers most likely next bid is 2nt with transfers etc. available so a 5-card major of quality waits.
Not on this hand though. A suit that likely plays for 1 loser opposite a void is a jump in diamonds and pretty close to what we promise with a 2♥/♠ response instead of the waiting 2♦.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2014-November-18, 10:39
2♦ waiting , 3♦ positive with ♦'s, and please explain your reasoning and the plan for the rest of the auction.