A club game.
IMP scoring.
NS are average players and play together rarely.
EW are well-established partnership who won the tourney eventually.
After hearing his partner's alert and explanation, S said that he needs to talk to director, came from the table and told TD that he doesn't play transfers over X. Of course, it was absolutely clear to all players that he doesn't have ♠.
TD came to the table and informed N that all of his partner's actions are UI to him and he must continue to bid according to his own explanation.
Table result: 2S -2, -200.
After the board W called the director and argued that S must assume that his partner has some strong GF hand with spades and bid 3!s accordingly, so the result should be adjusted to 3♠X or 4♠X. TD reasoned that S had enough AI to judge that pass is correct action with his 3 HCP.
How do you rule?
This post has been edited by barmar: 2014-November-06, 09:46
Reason for edit: Fix suit symbols - forum doesn't use !S