finding tables in private clubs
Posted 2014-October-05, 22:22
I know that telling them to right click on my name and join would be faster way to do it but that doesn't solve the problem for the next time or the time after that. I've also been told by several that they couldn't find the settings for show all tables.
This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time, but usually the players are trying to come in on their own rather than in a clump so I can handhold and shepherd them in. Today was not fun and I know that at least one of them even appealed to a yellow to help. One person emailed me but I was busy and never got it until well after the class so she never did get in. Can something be done to make it a little easier for people? It's sometimes difficult to take the time to tell a kibber how to get around the program.
Posted 2014-October-06, 00:13
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2014-October-06, 02:13
1eyedjack, on 2014-October-06, 00:13, said:
She means the switches at the top, where user can see "Open tables" "Full tables" or "Friends". In private clubs where there aren't too many tables it often happens that all tables are "full", none is "open", but the default is to show "open tables", so when someone enters the club he can see that there are tables, yet none is displayed on the screen. Many don't know that they can click the button at the top of the list of tables and switch to Full Tables to access the table they are looking for.
Posted 2014-October-06, 09:25
Posted 2014-October-06, 12:41
Posted 2014-October-06, 14:53
Posted 2014-October-06, 15:14
barmar, on 2014-October-06, 09:25, said:
Perhaps, set a threshold below which all non-empty tables are shown. For example, if there are 8 or fewer tables active in a private club, simply show them all without regard to available seats. I find it mildly confusing to go to IAC, see a non-zero table count, but see no tables (well, I have been at this long enough that the confusion is certainly short lived). Looking for a place to play may be the default, but I go to the IAC because I would rather watch people I know than play with the randoms in the main room.
Posted 2014-October-06, 15:58
barmar, on 2014-October-06, 14:53, said:
Instead of changing labels, or having variable methods based on club activity, how about adding "All Tables" as an option?
Posted 2014-October-07, 11:03
Bbradley62, on 2014-October-06, 15:58, said:
I agree this is the best option.
One private club is Total Points Tournament, or TPT. When a player arrives for a scheduled tourney, he goes to Full Tables to locate the TD table. The TD table serves as a staging area for the tourney. So it would be confusing to TPT members to see a choice "Play Bridge" and have it list open tables, when in order to really play bridge in TPT, you need to go to full tables.
Posted 2014-October-07, 11:46
Posted 2014-October-07, 13:56
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2014-October-07, 14:31
Bbradley62, on 2014-October-06, 15:58, said:
I don't think that would solve much. IMO the issue is blindness to the switches at the top, regardless of how they are labelled. As soon as players realize that there are filtering options available they will manage. But they aren't aware that these exist. I like Bill's suggestion to default to all tables when there are less than X tables in a club.
Posted 2014-October-07, 16:03
Changing the name of the TABS will not make one jot of difference
It takes time to educate people on the use of the software. They go to attend an advertised lesson which invariably has full tables from the get go - teachers either sit in all 4 seats or reserve them until they are ready to start
In the V1 (WINDOWS client) there was no problem, enter the club and all tables with or without free seats were displayed
For some years now new BBOers have been joining via V2 (Web Client) - for the past 2 (?) years they have been unable to download V1 therefore they all have to be educated on the use of V2. Yes, a few will educate themselves - the vast majority ? - no way - lol
My work a round:
new members get a welcome letter which mentions the need to click on the FULL table Tab
within 2 weeks they get 3 bulletins with detailed help one of which deals solely with Finding their way to the BIL lessons etc.
within 2 weeks of joining a BILFriend contacts them and offers to guide them
6 out of 7 days of the week the BIL holds Hosted Play time sessions with a Q & A for new members
20th month they get a Gazette which again gives the navigation
20th month members who joined during the previous month get a Bulletin reminding them of the things they need to remember - of which using the FULLTable tab features prominently
For the sake of non BIL members when I list a BBO Highlight and invite any BBO Beginner and Intermediate player to a Lesson or Guest session in the BILies Retreat Public Club I always add ' click on FULL table tab"
When the BILAssists announce a lesson they too add - "click on FULL table tab"
Does all of this solve the problem ? - NO it does not ! It does help though which keeps our sanity within reasonable bounds !
For level restricted courses the acceptance letter spells out step by step how to get there - I standby at the first and second lessons to take attendance - and even with all of that, without fail I do still have to guide at least a couple who are 'lost'
And still there are many to whom we find it necessary to explain in minute detail exactly where one looks for that seemingly elusive FULL Table TAB - mayhap it would help if it was a neon light!
The ANSWER is most assuredly to have that attribute as suggested above whereby in BOTH the Private and Public Clubs if there are less than X number of tables active whether with open seats for not ALL the tables will be shown as soon as one clicks on Join
P L E A S E Please, Please make that happen
Posted 2014-October-07, 18:11
hallway, on 2014-October-07, 16:03, said:
new members get a welcome letter which mentions the need to click on the FULL table Tab
within 2 weeks they get 3 bulletins with detailed help one of which deals solely with Finding their way to the BIL lessons etc.
within 2 weeks of joining a BILFriend contacts them and offers to guide them...
Please clarify that these notices should go to BIL members, not all new BBO members. When I join a website, I don't want a pile of such "let us hold your hand" nonsense.
Posted 2014-October-07, 18:35
Posted 2014-October-07, 18:38
Posted 2014-October-07, 22:36
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2014-October-09, 04:10
1eyedjack, on 2014-October-07, 13:56, said:
One of the philosophical changes that went into the design of the Flash client was to reduce the plethora of options, to keep things simpler. It's a delicate balancing act.
Posted 2014-October-10, 03:20