R V R, IMPs, partner deals opps silent.
♠AK52 ♥K72 ♦832 ♣AK2
1C 1S
Wow. At this point I am thinking that I'd love to cue bid clubs but I suspect that's a bit risky. So I opt for Blackwood, not knowing if partner understands key card, but I'm planning on signing off in 4S if he bids a minor anyway.
3S 4NT
Lets assume he doesn't play RKCB and hasn't got the HQ, I thought and 6S should be a good score in MBC even if we miss 7S.
6S finishes the auction and LHO leads 5H and dummy goes down
I had a chuckle on seeing dummy, no point getting cross this is MBC.
Oh well, missed missed 7NT, 7C and 7S on most hands, lets get on with it.
I had to laugh when it turned out that 7 Spades was doomed as Spades were 5-1 with LHO and we had stumbled in to the second best score for 6 IMPs. Amazingly someone went off in 4S and nobody bid 7C.