Pick yer poison.
How far do you trust Bird & Anthias?
Posted 2014-September-09, 11:59
Pick yer poison.
Posted 2014-September-09, 12:36
foobar, on 2014-September-09, 12:15, said:
I like short suit leads versus NT with weak hands.
Leading 4th best club on this one
Posted 2014-September-09, 13:14
Posted 2014-September-09, 14:36
8♠ for me too, as per foobar and hrothgar ...
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2014-September-09, 14:48
billw55, on 2014-September-09, 13:14, said:
This looks quite different to me. With a hard entry in the C suit but not much else by way of defensive tricks there, I'd expect this to come out more strongly in favour of a major lead at IMPs. At MPs I'd guess the single honour is less risky than the KJ holding.
Posted 2014-September-09, 15:27
Posted 2014-September-09, 15:35
In any case that was when you didn't have a 5-card suit headed by the ace. If we had another entry, say the ♦K, I think a club would be the winner. As it is my money's on the spade.
Posted 2014-September-09, 16:01
whereagles, on 2014-September-09, 15:35, said:
In any case that was when you didn't have a 5-card suit headed by the ace. If we had another entry, say the ♦K, I think a club would be the winner. As it is my money's on the spade.
In the other chapters, where opening leader had a stronger hand, a tripleton slightly outperformed a doubleton. This chapter the shorter short suit major won, except once in the quiz when a JTX tripleton beat a doubleton.
Posted 2014-September-09, 16:08
In any case I will try a small c.
Posted 2014-September-10, 05:04
BillPatch, on 2014-September-09, 16:01, said:
Yeah, the gist seemed to be that the weaker leader's hand is, the shorter the major they should lead. It wasn't exactly conclusive, though.
Posted 2014-September-10, 05:08
The discussion with the same spade holding, had a longer heart suit.
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2014-September-10, 05:54
Jinksy, on 2014-September-09, 14:48, said:
This makes logical sense. One point of disagreement, declarer may have an easier time isolating the minor suit by holdups when he has the ace. Here we have it. Low club to partner's queen is now a much bigger problem for declarer.
Still, I suspect you may be right. I would like to see if it stands up to a sim. Paging Rainer ...
Posted 2014-September-10, 07:14
Posted 2014-September-10, 07:23
billw55, on 2014-September-10, 05:54, said:
Still, I suspect you may be right. I would like to see if it stands up to a sim. Paging Rainer ...
My guess is that both major and ♣ leads will have a higher chance of setting the contract on this hand than their equivalent on the other, but that the increase is greater for the majors, pushing one of them to the top. At MPs I would expect them both to increase again, with a smaller difference, but with major lead still coming out on top.
Posted 2014-September-10, 07:29
That said, I was dummy with Axxx AQx xxx Jxx, and the sequence had actually been 1N 2♣ / 2♥ 3N. I wasn't sure about Stayman but decided with two bullets and two wide open suits it was worth a go. Since on that auction a ♣ lead stands out a mile, I wondered whether I'd blown the contract.
Posted 2014-September-10, 07:50
Posted 2014-September-10, 07:53
Certainly this is a good 5 count, not 0-4, so you cannot follow the recommendation for weak hands

Posted 2014-September-10, 08:45
Jinksy, on 2014-September-10, 07:29, said:
That said, I was dummy with Axxx AQx xxx Jxx, and the sequence had actually been 1N 2♣ / 2♥ 3N. I wasn't sure about Stayman but decided with two bullets and two wide open suits it was worth a go. Since on that auction a ♣ lead stands out a mile, I wondered whether I'd blown the contract.
A club lead on this auction is far more attractive than on the auction 1NT - 3NT. That doesn't mean that I will make the club lead, but it is far more attractive.
Posted 2014-September-10, 09:32
and there is also a decent chance that p may find a club shift it my
heart 6
lead is no good. p has at least 4 hearts and could easily have more and
never had a chance to show them due to the bidding (note this probability
is significantly less in spades). If we are going to try and hit partner
(the owner of the vast majority of our defensive assets) it seems to make
sense to try and hit their longest suit which rates to be hearts in this case.