Minor Suit Transfers over 2N openings and rebids
Posted 2014-September-02, 18:19
3♣ - Puppet Stayman, 3♠ - Minor Suit Stayman, 5♣ - Super Gerber
4♣ - transfer to ♦ and a least a mild slam try [4N-negative possibly to play, 4♦ good hand for slam (4♥ is now RKC) other bids are cuebids]
4♠ - transfer to ♣ and a least a mild slam try [4N-negative possibly to play, 5♣ good hand for slam, possible to go higher which forces slam]
Want to use:
3N - transfer to ♣ and a least a mild slam try [4N-negative possibly to play, 4♣ good hand for slam (4♦ is now RKC) other bids are cuebids]
4♣ - transfer to ♦ remains same
Now if you just want to sign-off in 3N you have to use Puppet Stayman.
4♠ - would have no meaning, so is available for use
Now the disadvantages are:
You might forget convention and just bid 3N
Your giving information away by bidding Puppet Stayman unnecessarily, which could occur if 22(45) no 3-card major or (4333) and no ruffing potential.
investigating ♣ slams done lower
possible use for 4♠
Posted 2014-September-03, 01:12
4c-> diamonds
No need for minor suit stayman. We need a way to find a minor suit fit after puppet anyway
Posted 2014-September-03, 02:08
Posted 2014-September-03, 05:08
2NT ..??
3♠ = transfer to 3NT. To play or slammish.
4m = slam try in linked major
4M = to play (hand hogging mechanism)
2NT 3♠
3NT ??
4♣ = 5♣-4♦ slammish. Opener bids 4♦ fit (cues ensue), 4M club fit + cue, 4NT misfit!!!, 5m fit no slam interest.
4♦ = 4♣-5♦ slammish. Opener bids 4M fit in the linked minor, 4NT misfit, 5m fit no slam interest.
4M = slammish 6+ in linked minor. Opener can bid 4NT as RKCB (teams) or bad hand for slam/to play (pairs).
4NT = slammish 55 minors, but not forcing.
5♣ = slammish 55 minors, forcing. Opener bids 5♦ fit looking for 7, 5M club fit looking for grand slam, 5NT = yucky hand in context.
You can add also 44 hands stuff:
2NT 3NT = baron
This is an anti-mnemonic convention, though... someone is bound to forget it at some stage.
Posted 2014-September-03, 05:26
Posted 2014-September-03, 06:45

Posted 2014-September-03, 06:48
Posted 2014-September-03, 06:57
whereagles, on 2014-September-03, 06:45, said:

Well I have posted the basics of my scheme a few times - you will have to tell me whether it is an improvement for you!

Posted 2014-September-03, 08:19
Posted 2014-September-03, 08:56
Here's a structure from the May 2006 ACBL Bulletin :
2NT - 3S! = relay to 3NT
3NT - ?? then:
........ Pass = to play, ( Needed since direct 3N is major 44 )
........ 4C = slam try in clubs
........ 4D = slam try in diam
........ 4H = ♥ splinter, both minors
........ 4S = ♠ splinter, both minors
........ 4N = invitational to 6N ( both minors , no shortness?? 4/4, 4/5 or 5/4 )
........ 5N = forcing to 6N, invitational to 7N
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2014-September-03, 09:59
3♠ shows one or both minors, slam interest.
Opener's usual responses are to indicate which minor he would prefer if Responder has 5-5 in the minors. Opener bids 3NT with diamond preference or 4♣ with club preference.
If Opener prefers diamonds (bids 3NT), Responder can bid 4♣ with the club one-suiter. With either the diamond one-suiter or the minor two-suiter, diamonds are agreed. Responder can bid 4♥ as kickback, 5♦ as a mild non-descript invite, or can make a shortness bid (4♠, 4NT for hearts, or 5♣ for clubs) as another slam try.
If Responder hears 3NT (diamond preference) but has 2-2-4-5, he can bid 4♦, which does not agree diamonds, with clubs still in the picture.
If Opener, instead, bids 4♣ (prefers clubs), 4♥ agrees clubs and is Kickback, 4♠ is a shortness try, 4NT is shortness in hearts, and 5♣ is shortness in diamonds. There is no generic try.
What can go wrong?
1. Opener has 4522 or 5422? Yeah, right.
2. Responder has 2254 and Opener prefers clubs? Responder pre-anticipates this problem and bids instead 4♠ directly over 2NT with 2254.
-P.J. Painter.
Posted 2014-September-03, 12:50
... 3N: not interested
... ... 4C: C+D, not interested in cues
... ... ... 4D: still not interested
... ... ... ... 4H: RKC for D
... ... ... higher: interested, direct RKC response for D
... ... 4D: RKC for C
... ... 4M: (21)55, (30)55 splinter, interested in a cue in the other major
... 4C: interested
... ... 4D: RKC
... ... higher: cue
... higher: cue
... 4D: not interested
... ... 4H: RKC
... higher: direct RKC response for D (or cue, depending on your preferred style)
Posted 2014-September-05, 06:06
whereagles, on 2014-September-03, 09:14, said:

Sorry I cannot find the specific thread. I did find a fairly detailed write-up of my responses though so that will have to do. I don't think I changed anything in the last 2 years.
Posted 2014-September-05, 07:47
whereagles, on 2014-September-03, 05:08, said:
2NT ..??
3♠ = transfer to 3NT. To play or slammish.
4m = slam try in linked major
4M = to play (hand hogging mechanism)
2NT 3♠
3NT ??
My guess is using this approach when the bidding starts
2NT 3♠
that I will have no intention of bidding past 3NT at least 9 times out of 10.
A few times times the bidding will continue
2NT 3♠ (DBL)
p 3NT
Opening leader leads a spade, 3NT is down.
In the other room opening leader led a heart after 2NT - 3NT and 3NT made
Next time the bidding goes
2NT 3♠
3NT pass
Opening leader had a close decision between the majors. He led a heart and 3NT went down
In the other room opening leader led a spade and the contract made.
Is it all worthwhile?
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2014-September-05, 10:57
If it bothers a player, she can always keep 2NT-3NT as natural.
Posted 2014-September-26, 04:23
- Keep 3nt to play
- Use 4♣/♦ as major suit transfers
- Use 4♥/♠ as minor suit transfers
Continuation after minor suit transfer:
- 2nt-4♥ then 4♠ interest; 4nt no interest, no fit; 5♣ no interest, but fit
- 2nt-4♠ then 4nt no interest, no fit; 5♣ interest; 5♦ no interest, but fit
Posted 2014-September-26, 11:42