Should we alert? England
Posted 2014-August-21, 19:48
By 'local standard system' I would mean for the US a not very well defined version of standard american, with none of the 'standard 2/1 conventions'. In England, I imagine it would be Acol, vague enough that there's no agreement as to what's opened with 4432 hands (outside 1N range).
Your definition of 'ordinary player' is also much more advanced than mine. My 'ordinary player' very rarely actually cares what your bids mean, because they aren't good enough to use this information. They won't know whether an unalerted double is takeout or penalty, so if it actually matters they'll ask anyway.
At my club (which averages 3-4 tables for a weekly game and is the only game for 30 miles around), no one plays anything other than some version of standard american or 2/1. One of these days I might finally manage to convince one of the stronger players to play Kaplan-Sheinwold (or English Acol, for that matter) with me, or maybe someone will decide to learn some strong club system and convince me to do so as well.
I've played entire sessions at sectionals or regionals without seeing anything but standard american or 2/1.
Posted 2014-August-21, 22:49
nige1, on 2014-August-21, 19:19, said:
Forcing-notrump: announce
Fourth-suit-forcing: alert
Jacoby: alert
Bergen: alert (including the weak double raise in uncontested auctions)
Splinters: alert
Fit-jumps: alert
2-way Drury: alert
Four-suit transfers: alert transfers to the minors, announce transfers to the majors
2-way checkback: alert
Lebensohl: alert 2NT and some follow-ons
Lightner: no alert (I think; this one is murky)
Michaels: no alert
The problem is there is no one "local standard system". In addition, the alert regulation lags current expert practice by some years. There's good reason for that, though - the LOL club players are that far "behind" in what they play. At least.
I understand how you'd like things to be Nigel, but it ain't never gonna happen.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-August-22, 09:44
blackshoe, on 2014-August-21, 22:49, said:
Fourth-suit-forcing: alert
Jacoby: alert
Bergen: alert (including the weak double raise in uncontested auctions)
All correct
Alert immediately on the first round, delayed alert later for later uses, because of the "no immediate alert for bids above 3NT starting with opener's rebid" rule.
These aren't even that widespread, I think. I'l guess something like 40% of tournament players, less in clubs.
Four-suit transfers: alert transfers to the minors, announce transfers to the majors
2-way checkback: alert
All correct. Also alert 1-way Drury and New Minor Forcing, which I think are more common.
Most players also alert when they bypass Lebensohl, because of the extra strength implications.
Correct. Again because of the "above 3NT" rule.
Right -- cue bids of the opponent's suit are generally considered self-alerting, unless the meaning is highly unusual.
Posted 2014-August-22, 11:08
helene_t, on 2014-August-21, 01:25, said:
Posted 2014-August-22, 11:52
barmar, on 2014-August-22, 09:44, said:
Correct. Again because of the "above 3NT" rule.
I don't have strong feelings about whether Lightner is supposed to be alerted, but the answer isn't found in this rule. The rule is specifically to delay alerts of bids above 3NT, not calls above 3NT. Unusual doubles and passes are still alerted at the time they happen.
Posted 2014-August-22, 12:49
Also, there may well be, probably is, a difference between what "most players" do and what the regulation requires.
The ACBL regulation does not use the term "self-alerting".
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-August-22, 17:42
barmar, on 2014-August-21, 10:21, said:
nige1, on 2014-August-21, 19:19, said:
Not the "local standard system", but basic SA bridge, is *almost* non-Alertable. You'll have to reach back into the '70s for it (and not much farther back, because penalty doubles of overcalls below game are Alertable) but I could play, as Akwoo is mentioning, kitchen bridge almost completely without Alerts (though I'd require the Announcement of NT openings, and can I have my transfer Announcements?) All this modern stuff you're using as examples is "complicated" and not "standard".
Especially if your opponents could switch off your explanations whenever they felt like it.
Posted 2014-August-23, 02:42
Given the regs are:
1. If the opponents bid a suit naturally then double is deemed to be take out. If ANYTHING else alert
2. If the opponents bid NT naturally then double is deemed to be penalty. If ANYTHING else alert.
3. If opponents bid a suit artificially double is deemed to be the suit. If ANYTHING else alert
then I don't think this is very difficult. Of course if people decide that a sequence such as 3D (3S) x is so obviously penalty that they won't alert it it is hard to deal with although frankly unlikely to do much damage. Whilst you can say there is a bit more to the regs than what is above (above 3NT for example) the basic set is fairly simple and should not be too hard to get used to even for those who don't want to read the regulations.
Posted 2014-August-23, 03:29
Jeremy69A, on 2014-August-23, 02:42, said:
Given the regs are:
1. If the opponents bid a suit naturally then double is deemed to be take out. If ANYTHING else alert
2. If the opponents bid NT naturally then double is deemed to be penalty. If ANYTHING else alert.
3. If opponents bid a suit artificially double is deemed to be the suit. If ANYTHING else alert
then I don't think this is very difficult. Of course if people decide that a sequence such as 3D (3S) x is so obviously penalty that they won't alert it it is hard to deal with although frankly unlikely to do much damage. Whilst you can say there is a bit more to the regs than what is above (above 3NT for example) the basic set is fairly simple and should not be too hard to get used to even for those who don't want to read the regulations.
I seem to remember sequences like 2♦(multi)-P-2♥(P/C)-P-P-X and 1N-X-XX(single suit)-P-2C-P-P-X cause problems where the bid is artificial, but the partner of the bidder confirms he holds the suit, I'm sure many people don't know what the rule is for this.
Posted 2014-August-23, 08:09
Jeremy69A, on 2014-August-23, 02:42, said:
1. If the opponents bid a suit naturally then double is deemed to be take out. If ANYTHING else alert
I don't believe this is an accurate generalization of current regulations. I also don't think you can lump all the cases where an opponent opens, overcalls, raises, balances, or whatever --and all the different levels these things occur --- together and make any alerting rule about a Double to cover all of them.
(edit): Augmenting this post rather than making a new one for continuity in response to Jeremy below.
The mere categorization of a double as "take-out" vs. "Anything else" is a problem in itself. I don't know if Support doubles, Snaps, negatives, etc should be lumped into "take-out" or into "something else." A lot of "something elses" are expected to normally be taken out.
Posted 2014-August-23, 08:58
Yes. There are difficult situations but nonetheless if players remembered three rules then about 98% of all difficulty would go away. In your two example whether there was or was not an alert I would expect there to be a check before it was, say, passed out.
I think the rule, albeit a generalisation, does cover doubles whether the opponents bid is an opening, response, overcall, raise or balance. I can conceive there might be exceptions and above 3NT it is slightly different however as above if players alerted according to what you categorise as generalisations I believe we would all be better off
Posted 2014-August-23, 09:29
So I don't think this is a problem. The problem I have with the EBU alert rules is that I sometimes make undiscussed doubles. Then I don't want to receive UI from partner's (non)alert.
Posted 2014-August-23, 09:43
helene_t, on 2014-August-23, 09:29, said:
It's also stated in the regulations.
Posted 2014-August-23, 12:39
helene_t, on 2014-August-23, 09:29, said:
Nobody wants to receive UI from partner. Sometimes it can't be helped. In this case, when you make an undiscussed double, do you 1) expect an alert, 2) expect no alert, 3) it depends on the bidding sequence? If your partnership has a documented agreement that 1 always applies, or that 2 always applies, you should be okay. If 3 applies, then you would have to list the circumstances under which it is 1 and the circumstances under which it is 2. Most pairs don't go into so much detail, and then there might well be a UI problem. I guess you have to live with it, or refrain from making undiscussed doubles.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2014-August-23, 19:46
nige1, on 2014-August-21, 19:19, said:
(1N) _P (2♦) _X
(2♥) _X
- 1N = Weak
- 2♦ = Artificial - a variety of meanings, often with four or more ♥.
- 2♥ = Conventionally denying more than 2 ♥
- First double shows ♦.
- Second double is T/O of ♥ (it assumes that the 2♦ bidder has 5+ ♥)
B. Pass/correct
(2♦) _P (2♥) _X
- 2♦ = Multi - A variety of meanings, often a weak two in either major.
- 2♥ = Pass or correct (i.e. an artificial but passable relay enquiring about hand type).
- Double = T/O of ♥ (it assumes that opener has the weak variety with ♥)
Jeremy69A, on 2014-August-23, 02:42, said:
1. If the opponents bid a suit naturally then double is deemed to be take out. If ANYTHING else alert
2. If the opponents bid NT naturally then double is deemed to be penalty. If ANYTHING else alert.
3. If opponents bid a suit artificially double is deemed to be the suit. If ANYTHING else alert
then I don't think this is very difficult. Of course if people decide that a sequence such as 3D (3S) x is so obviously penalty that they won't alert it it is hard to deal with although frankly unlikely to do much damage. Whilst you can say there is a bit more to the regs than what is above (above 3NT for example) the basic set is fairly simple and should not be too hard to get used to even for those who don't want to read the regulations.
Posted 2014-August-24, 06:03
nige1, on 2014-August-23, 19:46, said:
Neither of your doubles of 2♥ is alertable. Jeremy's first rule should have been "If the opponents bid a suit naturally (including pass-or-correct actions), then double is deemed to be take out."
If you know the meaning of a call but don't know whether the meaning is alertable, it's better to alert than not. It's almost impossible for an opponent to be misled by an erroneous alert, because the alert in itself doesn't tell him anything specific about the meaning. If he asks and receives an answer, there's no misinformation; if he doesn't ask he can't have been very interested in the meaning, so is very unlikely to have been damaged.
The main problem with alerting a non-alertable call is that your partner may have taken the trouble to read the alerting rules, so he may think you're having a misunderstanding when you're not, and he may take an inferior action because he believes himself to be constrained by the UI laws.
The best thing for players like you is, of course, to read the rules. That's better than asking people on online forum to tell you what the rules are, because you may not get a correct or complete answer. You seem to have plenty of time available for criticising the EBU's alerting rules; when did you last read them?
In this case I do have some sympathy with your complaint, because the section about doubles under "Basic alerting rules" is rather cumbersomely worded, and it doesn't make it clear the status of doubles of pass-or-correct bids. For that you have to look at the examples. On the other hand, the relevant example isn't very hard to find. You just have to search for "pass-or-correct". Or you could look in the index under "Alerting, doubles".
Posted 2014-August-24, 06:31
nige1, on 2014-August-22, 11:08, said:
Suppose I make a freebid at the 3-level which is obviously forcing for at least one round. Let's say I hold a decent 10 count so not quite enough to force to game. Partner announces my bid as gameforcing. Now partner rebids his suit and I have no clue if that would be forcing or not opposite a forcing-for-one-round freebid:
However, since his announcement makes it less attractive to pass, I will have to pass now if that is an LA. Without the UI I might have chosen to bid on just in case partner meant his bid as forcing.
Then again, if I pass and it works out well the SB opps might be able to convince the TD that partner's announcement told me that partner was forced to bid and therefore doesn't need extra values for his 3♠ bid which makes pass suggested.
So whatever I do I am screwed. Of course it could be that the TD says that he has no clue what the announcements suggests in terms of pass vs bidding on so I can do what I want. In that case the SB will feel that whatever I do he is screwed.
And in any case we have wasted the TD's time for no good reason. Just make any natural 3♣ bid (Dutch regulations) or any forcing natural 3♣ bid (EBU) non-alertable and we wouldn't have this mess.
Posted 2014-August-24, 11:36
helene_t, on 2014-August-24, 06:31, said:
However, since his announcement makes it less attractive to pass, I will have to pass now if that is an LA. Without the UI I might have chosen to bid on just in case partner meant his bid as forcing. Then again, if I pass and it works out well the SB opps might be able to convince the TD that partner's announcement told me that partner was forced to bid and therefore doesn't need extra values for his 3♠ bid which makes pass suggested.
So whatever I do I am screwed. Of course it could be that the TD says that he has no clue what the announcements suggests in terms of pass vs bidding on so I can do what I want. In that case the SB will feel that whatever I do he is screwed.
And in any case we have wasted the TD's time for no good reason. Just make any natural 3♣ bid (Dutch regulations) or any forcing natural 3♣ bid (EBU) non-alertable and we wouldn't have this mess.
Posted 2014-August-24, 11:54
gnasher, on 2014-August-24, 06:03, said:
gnasher, on 2014-August-24, 06:03, said:
gnasher, on 2014-August-24, 06:03, said:
gnasher, on 2014-August-24, 06:03, said: